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“What do I think, John? Well—IP address points to the States, but greater use of Correct English indicates user is at least familiar with UK or Commonwealth culture, as the Sherlock and Doctor Who fandoms also indicate. So either a private proxy to watch Firefly on Hulu, or more likely an expatriate. Cartoon physics and physics articles also indicate a strong reading in maths or physics, and moderate to native fluency in multiple languages indicates international background, substantiating user's expatriate status. Overall, John, I can confidently say that user's article on me flatters me greatly, although user got the time period wrong by about a century.”

~ Sherlock Holmes on MacMania

Crystal Clear action run.png This user account is a bot operated by MacMania (talk).

It is probably not a sock puppet, but hopefully an automated or semi-automated account for making edits containing an inhuman lack of profanity and/or humour.
Administrators: if this bot is malfunctioning, gains homicidal thoughts, or is replaced by the incredibly silly Mighty Morphin' Power Daleks, EX-TER-MI-NATE!

This user is on anti-vacation without knowledge or consent of the admins, and appears to be trying to get a real life. If you want to smeg up the talk page, leave a message. This has been effective since 1 Oct 2009, and the expected date of return is 2061, as if this user were Arthur C Clarke's Space Odyssey series, and ALL THESE WORLDS ARE YOURS EXCEPT EUROPA. ATTEMPT NO LANDINGS THERE. ALL THESE WORLDS ARE YOURS EXCEPT EUROPA. ATTEMPT NO LANDINGS THERE. ALL THESE WORLDS ARE YOURS EXCEPT
How not to jump on this bandwagon.

I'm back.

Well, for a few more weeks anyhow. MacManiasig.png MacManiasig-cheerios.png MacManiasig-holmes.png MacManiasig-starwars.png MacManiasig-firefly.png MacManiasig-pixar.png MacManiasig-oregon.png MacManiasig-lesmiz.png MacManiasig-doctor.png HalLogo.png Portal16px.png UncycLensFlare16px.pngDalek16px.png ChekhovSig.pngJapanSig.png Sir MacMania GUN[15:31 5 Aug 2010]

Grand Cross of the Order

Featured articles (now with self-ratings(R)!)

Comments: Fun rewrite to do. Shame about the lousy thank-you template. 3/5. Comments: Another rewrite, and not a bad one at that. Too bad I strayed from encyclopaedic tone. Nevertheless, in User:MrN9000's words: "Bang! 1 day. 12 votes. 400%. FA." 4.5/5. Comments: My first original featured concept. Nice thank-you template, too. 4/5. Comments: From VFD to FA. I love this show. 2.9/5. Comments: Someday to be re-released in Disney Digital 3-D. 3.6/5. Comments: I would say "I have died of dysentery", but I feel like explaining myself for the absence of an L in "Travelers" despite the fact that I use Correct English. 3.2/5. Comments: What a miserable article. 2.5/5. Comments: On the brink of VFH death (well, not really), it suddenly underwent an explosive regeneration and was eventually featured. 4/5. Comments: An epic drama of homicidal computers and incomprehensible visuals. Dare I say magnum opus? 4.2/5.

Comments: Vindicated at last, two years after its first draft! Triumph, note here, etc etc. 4/5. Comments: Shiny. Irritatingly shiny, in fact. 4/5. Comments: EX-TER-MI-NATE! EX-TER-MI-NATE! EX-TER-MII-NAAATE! So yeah. 4.2/5. Comments: If you read a TV Tropes article about Chekhov's gun during your hiatus, you must write an Uncyc article about it afterwards. Plus that last image just looks awesome. 4.2/5. Comments: Something different from what you'd expect. You twit. 3.7/5. Comments: This and HowTo:Be Japanese are very rare opportunities. 3.9/5.
Support for this user page comes from NPR listeners.
Playwright of the Month badge.png

Þis vser is æ Playwright of þe Monþ

And sœ was decœrated wiþ þe œld school VnScripts template.

Winner in August 2009

Writer of the Month Award Writer of the Month September 2009

Selected lists of articles

The Doctor Who suite

The Doctor (FEATURED! 5 days after Les Miz)
Dalek (EXTERMINATED! the day after Lens flare)

The US sci-fi suite

Firefly (rewrite; also FEATURED! 6 days after below)
UnScripts:Star Wars (2010) (FEATURED! 6 days after Holmes)
2001: A Space Odyssey (rewrite and FEATURED! 26 days after the Doctor—on HALopedia! the #2 article of 2009 much to my pride and joy)
Portal (game) (—wait, what? FEATURED! er, 291 days after 2001 (yes, I counted))

The "you're all idiots"/"highbrow" suite

Sherlock Holmes (a major rewrite from the original, and also FEATURED! 3 days after Cheerios; I also got a cookie just for rewriting it a lot)
UnScripts:Les Misérables, Abrégés (FEATURED! 11 days after Oregon Trail, breaking a long drought)
Lens flare (FEATURED! 10 days after Portal)
Chekhov's gun (FEATURED! 4 days after Dalek)
HowTo:Be Japanese (FEATURED! the day after Chekhov's gun)

Other notables

These are the ones I can remember. Anything else you will likely see in my Contributions page. In no particular order within each of the months:

July 2009

1944 Summer Olympics (a healthy dose of alternate timeline Doctor Who fiction, which I'm surprised hasn't gone to VFD yet -- are you listening, admins?)
John Hodgman (notably failing VFH at a health of 42%! I am the happiest possible Uncyclopedian ever. Well, I would be happier if it were featured, but I guess it's the next best thing.)
James Watt (which I guess I should convert into an UnScript, but I don't have the time)
Cheerios (another rewrite ... and FEATURED!)

August 2009

UnScripts:Pixar: An Introduction for Uncyclopedians (FEATURED! 7 days after Firefly)
UnBooks:An Authentic Journal of Travelers on the Oregon Trail (FEATURED! 4 days after Pixar)

August 2010

Cuban Missile Crisis (FEATURED! 7 days after HowTo)


Don't peek! It'll spoil your appetite. Just like cookies before a nice shot of hemlock.

Moby-Dick ???
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy still fixing after a year
Paul is undead waiting review
Madame Tussauds waiting review
User:MacMania/QI waiting review
Red Dwarf ???
User:MacMania/Ultra Light Me waiting review for now
User:MacMania/Pen spinning researching/writing
1944 Summer Olympics fixing
User:MacMania/Ship of Theseus writing
User:MacMania/Physics ???
User:MacMania/Police box no idea
Might get back to
pinin' for the fjords
Won't get back anytime soon to
User:MacMania/Eyre writing

To-do list

  • Get to work on the above
  • Check watchlist, recent changes
  • Help out with review queue


Chromelogo.png This user uses Google Chrome, because it's Google.
Confusedos.png This user uses Windows XP, Windows 3.1, Mac OS X and Mac OS 8, and all on a Dell PC, because that way the username MacMania becomes utterly meaningless.
Supah wrench.jpg This user is smug.
Please slap him in the face.
Beethovenfierce.jpg This user's awful rendition of the Moonlight Sonata is what caused Beethoven to go deaf.
This user requires a steady supply of dihydrogen monoxide laced with various minerals.
Get me an Evian drip, stat.
PortalBoxParody.png [SUBJECT NAME HERE]'s intelligence level is immaterial, seeing that [GENDER-APPROPRIATE NOMINATIVE PRONOUN HERE] is thinking with portals.
Stop hand nuvola alternate.svg
This user has been blocked thrice, but not to worry—he has only the best of intentions. He just "accidentally" paves the road to inferno with them.