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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

"All the points near Vossoyedineniye Square."
G'iah to Talos[src]

Vossoyedineniye Square (Russian: Площадь Воссоединения[1]) is a plaza located in central Moscow, Russia. Massive damage was dealt to it in a bombing attack perpetrated by the Skrull Resistance.


Secret Invasion[]

Bombed by Skrulls[]

"Several bombs exploded today at an annual celebration in Moscow, killing at least two thousand civilians. One suspect is currently in custody, identified as a leading member of the online fringe group, Americans Against Russia."

Gravik orchestrated the bombing of Vossoyedineniye Square to make Russia believe that the United States have declared war on them. Gravik also disguised himself as Nick Fury to kill Maria Hill while chaos ensued in the Square.[2]


In chronological order:

Behind the Scenes[]


Transparent Endgame Logo
The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Vossoyedineniye Square.