Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Khlinae.

The IRW Khlinae was a 25th century Romulan Star Empire starship, the tier 6-rated Khlinae-class adapted battlecruiser prototype in Tal Shiar service in the 2410s decade. (STO website: Agents of Yesterday: Tal Shiar Lockbox Stats!)

Service history and disposition[]

Enhanced indoctrination nanite dispersal system

The IRW Khlinae using its enhanced indoctrination nanite dispersal system.

The IRW Khlinae was the lead ship of its class, a variant of the tier 5-rated Khnial-class from the 2400s decade. (STO - From the Ashes mission: "Explore the Flotilla")

Both vessels were based on the D'deridex-class warbird's architecture. (STO website: Agents of Yesterday: Tal Shiar Lockbox!)

The Khlinae represented an insidious fusion of Romulan and Borg technology. The Khlinae was equipped with an enhanced indoctrination nanite dispersal system special weapon. When targeting a hostile starship, these Borg nanites could temporarily subvert the enemy's weapons systems. The Khlinae included a starship trait, the assimilated power conduits, which boosted exotic particle damage with auxiliary power. (STO website: Agents of Yesterday: Tal Shiar Lockbox Stats!)

Flag officers of the Khitomer Alliance could deploy the Khlinae alongside other spacecraft for assignments across the galaxy's quadrants as part of Operation: Delta Rising's four-quadrant strategy in the year 2410. (STO - New Dawn mission: "Admiralty System")



Tal Shiar adapted starships
Romulan Star Empire, rogue adapted mining vessel: Narada Romulan Star Empire icon image.
Romulan Star Empire, Tal Shiar enforcer cruiser: lead enforcer • second enforcer • Khnial-class: IRW Khnial • Khlinae-subclass: IRW Khlinae • Llaihr-class: IRW Llaihr • Mandukar-subclass: IRW Mandukar • Mogai-class: IRW Esemar Romulan Star Empire icon image. Tal Shiar icon image.
Romulan Republic, Navy Khnial-class: RRW Khnial • Khlinae-subclass: IRW Khlinae • Llaihr-class: IRW Llaihr • Mandukar-subclass: IRW Mandukar Romulan Republic icon image.
Terran Empire
(Kelvin mirror timeline)
adapted mining vessel: Narada (mirror) {{{2}}} icon image. {{{2}}} icon image.


External links[]
