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Questions tagged [api]

The Stack Exchange application programming interfaces (the “API Services”) are a set of programming interfaces which can query and connect to Stack Overflow and other sites in the Stack Exchange Network.

12 votes
1 answer

Support programmatic detection and flagging of spam and rude/abusive content in Collectives Articles and Discussions (WebSocket and SE API endpoints)

Currently, there's no method (without scraping) to automatically collect Articles & Discussions. At one point there was a way to get Articles, but it's since been removed from public functionality ...
cocomac's user avatar
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2 votes
0 answers

Bad request on Stack Exchange API with GET questions/{qId}/answers/{aId}/comments [closed]

I made a few successful requests to the Stack Exchange API for Stack Overflow Enterprise. I get success with data on getting questions/{qId}/answers with its content, but I cannot get comments for ...
Ais's user avatar
  • 11
5 votes
1 answer

Total and count do not match

A user asked about the Stack Overflow API. After some digging, I found a few ways to answer how many questions are tagged airflow. Tags:
mplungjan's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Some API requests to /users are failing with status code 404 errors

I was wondering whether there are recent any changes to the /users endpoint of Stack Exchange API? I was sending queries that worked previously (also worked yesterday), but I got error code id of 404 ...
mago's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

How do I get the entire body text of my questions, answers, and comments from API requests?

I tried USER ID/timeline?sort=creation&page=1&pagesize=100&site=stackoverflow, then USER ID/timeline?...
ChristianOConnor's user avatar
100 votes
2 answers

Stack Overflow is no longer providing Creative Commons Data Dumps

The company has refused to honestly explain their plans to the community, but the data dump was late, and a former employee graciously did the community the favour of confirming that the company has ...
user avatar
-1 votes
3 answers

How do I see which tags are associated with each other?

How to get I want to build a tags tree/graph that can make relationships like Pandas being within Python, and Data Science similar to Machine Learning. Aside from related tags, is there a way to do ...
Ben Hendel's user avatar
-12 votes
3 answers

Auto Reply to a Post on Stack Overflow

Assume I have created a product/library and I want to provide help whenever there is a related question about my product on Stack Overflow. Let's also assume that I have created a super smart service ...
happyhuman's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Track in real time all new published questions regardless of which tag is used (I want to help edit new questions with formatting errors)

I'm trying to reproduce something like realtime found on Stack Exchange but only with the new Stack Overflow questions. I searched the existing questions, but I didn't find one that specifically ...
Digital Farmer's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Can I get the number of views for a question over time with the API?

I have this link that gives me Python questions for a particular week:
user7492713's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Unable to obtain code for teams: API access is not supported on this channel [closed]

I am trying to query information about my private team, but I have issues obtaining a code. I did: Registered an app: Name ={team} OAuth domain = Application web ...
Boyan Mihaylov's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

What does the last_modified_date of the user type mean in the Stack Exchange API?

The user API type contains a last_modified_date field, according to the official documentation. However, I'm not sure what date it represents: Does it refer to changes triggered by the system (e.g. ...
John Byro's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

API access stopped working with "`key` is not valid for passed `access_token`, token not found." [closed]

I had a working application embedded in Google Sheets that read the Stack Exchange API for teams, using a noexpiry token. All of a sudden, one day, it stopped working with the following error returned:...
Jad Naous's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

How do we seed questions in Stack Overflow for Teams? [closed]

We're considering a wider adoption of Stack Overflow for Teams or possibly Stack Overflow Enterprise. Are there any details and/or examples for seeding questions and answers (assuming via the API) ...
JorgeSandoval's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Why is "reputation_change" missing on some dates for some users?

I am trying to understand the reputation log returned by Stack Exchange API /users/{ids}/reputation. Most reputation logs have reputation_change, which is the value of reputation change on that date, ...
BellmanEqn's user avatar

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