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Questions tagged [review-audits]

Test items in review queues that are designed to help new reviewers hone their moderation skills, while nudging more experienced users that don't seem to be paying close attention to what they're reviewing.

-1 votes
0 answers

Review suspended for trying to check "Share Feedback" options on a known-good audit [duplicate]

I recently posted another question which has to do with review-based comments. A user asked in a comment whether or not the "Community" bot posts comments instead of the review, and I went ...
ipodtouch0218's user avatar
0 votes
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Review audit tasks betray themselves by a different look [duplicate]

I am quite regularly reviewing late answers. Lately (I don't remember exactly for how long, maybe two months?) audit tasks betray themselves. The Q/A container is always behind an overlay of some kind....
helvete's user avatar
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29 votes
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The review queues are even more broken now--claiming normal items are audits

On top of the bug in review queues greying out audit items (happening for the last month or so), now the close vote review queue is suddenly telling me "this is an audit" on review items ...
TylerH's user avatar
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All audits grayed out - by design or bug? [duplicate]

I can see similar questions about "grayed out" stuff in review queue, but I think this specific issue have not been raised. Also, I am not sure if this is by design — maybe it's supposed to ...
defaultUsernameN's user avatar
8 votes
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"False audits" in the review queues?

TL;DR: Some non-audit reviews are displaying "This is an audit" when I try to add a comment. Twice recently I've tried to add a comment on a post in the review queues and seen the familiar &...
Chris's user avatar
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Stuck greyed out audits and non-upvotable comments bugs in review queues

When reviewing, I found 2 bugs that seem to appear today. If the next task that you should do is an audit, the post will remain greyed out: Sometimes, I'm no longer able to upvote a comment; when I ...
Elikill58's user avatar
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-12 votes
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An editor who doesn't really understand the problem or the answer may see it as OK. Should the skip button target them more?

I got tested in this answer and didn't pass. The answer: try using argon2-wasm-esmpackage, instead of argon-browser, this solution worked for me, and I got the same errors as you did... https://...
Ooker's user avatar
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-16 votes
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Make review audits frequency more unpredictable

While doing reviews, it is common to feel like: "I've been reviewing for quite a while, the audit should come very soon" And after passing the audit, there come this feeling: "I just ...
Dhafin Rayhan's user avatar
3 votes
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What's the issue with this answer?

I got dinged in the Low Quality Answer queue. [img] The queue said, "This post has severe quality issues. It is abusive nonsense, noise, spam, ...
Ouroborus's user avatar
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I'm extremely confused about this audit which appears not to contain a question

The specific (known good) review audit is this: Base R wilcox.test gives incorrect answers, has been fixed in DescTools As the commenters noted, this doesn't really look like a question, more like a &...
Quack E. Duck's user avatar
-17 votes
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Non-spam, non-rude answer deleted as spam/rude? [duplicate]

Failed an audit for It seems to have been deleted as spam/rude, I'm not sure it should've been categorized like that. The link is questionable, but that ...
Ouroborus's user avatar
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Triage audit failure message says that spam or nonsense should be 'flagged for closure'

I 'failed' a Triage audit and saw this message: (Screenshot) (Emphasis mine) STOP! Look and listen. This was an audit, designed to see if you were paying attention. You didn't pass. This question is ...
CPlus's user avatar
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Is this a poor audit?

I recently failed this audit. I decided to share feedback, because the answer suggested a Docker solution, but Docker is never mentioned or tagged in the OP. I thought I'd point this out, but there ...
pierpy's user avatar
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What's wrong with the Stack Overflow review process?

Somebody asks a question: they want to code something, but it seems not to work. They add some source code in order to show their efforts. Question: is this a valid post? My answer: yes, why not? ...
Dominique's user avatar
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4 votes
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Does "xcode 15 not reflecting fonts used in storyboard" have enough details?

I am looking for understanding on what I missed here; I'm not trying to argue the system. I recently failed a first questions audit for this: Xcode 15 not reflecting fonts used in storyboard I tried ...
SandPiper's user avatar
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