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Questions tagged [duplicates]

This tag is referring to the process of identifying and closing questions that are exact duplicates of another question.

8 votes
2 answers

Question unreasonably marked as dupe

Today I asked: File `perpage.sty' not found. \MakePerPage and with the help of a commenter, answered it. A while later, the question was marked as a dupe of How do I install an individual package ...
einpoklum's user avatar
  • 12.5k
2 votes
1 answer

Should a question be closed based on a comment of the OP, when the best answer is not covered by the duplicate?

When search for a problem of my latex file, I found the answer in this question: ! LaTeX Error: File `IEEEtran.cls' not found The highest voted answer solved my problem precisely, and apparently ...
user000001's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

erroneously closed question

"Infinite" page or finite pages, depending on how viewed? This was closed as a duplicate. This is NOT a duplicate of the question to which it was redirected, since it contains an additional ...
Michael Hardy's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Closed as duplicate, but only possible duplicate linked [duplicate]

I noticed that How to fit a large figure to page is marked as duplicate, but no duplicate post is shown, only a possible duplicate: If this is intended behaviour, the colon should be removed and ...
Hack5's user avatar
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1 answer

Closing as dup, while the linked Q/A takes longer to decipher than the current one?

Just another beautiful day and I was thinking about what closing as duplicate means. Certainly the rule of thumb/motivation is that if a question is answered once, don't answer twice. And then there ...
Symbol 1's user avatar
  • 37.1k
4 votes
1 answer

How do I get a question re-opened with providing a reason

There is a question that I have an answer to but it has been closed by several respondents as a duplicate and pointing to an answer. In my view the source duplicate is very specific whereas there are ...
Peter Wilson's user avatar
  • 28.4k
3 votes
1 answer

Duplicate question of...?

This question: Putting the integration bounds below/above the integration operator is labeled as duplicate. However it doesn't point to any other question? How is it possible? Was the question it was ...
user1079505's user avatar
16 votes
0 answers

Should we reroute duplicates if a better fit emerges?

I was trying to decide between babel and polyglossia for use with LuaLaTeX, so I googled "babel vs polyglossia". The first result is the somewhat outdated question Decide between Polyglossia and Babel ...
schtandard's user avatar
  • 15.5k
7 votes
2 answers

My question is a duplicate of a closed question without an answer. What now?

I wanted to auto-flag my well-received question which is a duplicate of a closed question but, unfortunately, the closed question doesn't have an answer. How can I deal with this issue?
G M's user avatar
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How to mark a question as duplicate of another one that doesn't already have an answer?

It happened to me that I wanted to close a question as duplicate of another, but the site refused to do that, because the other question didn't have an upvoted answer. To my surprise there is an (at ...
siracusa's user avatar
  • 13.5k
13 votes
1 answer

Should we mark a question as duplicate if old question has no answers?

A recent question minted-make-text-non-selectable-on-output-pdf) seems like a duplicate of an older question remove-selectable-text-from-source-code-pdf-output However, neither the older question ...
James's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

How similar should two questions be to qualify as a duplicates?

How similar should two questions be to qualify as duplicates? I'm thinking particularly of Add an Arab Word within an English Document and Arabic and greek inline text in russian document pdflatex. ...
David Purton's user avatar
  • 26.5k
5 votes
2 answers

Are duplicate questions with no answers deleted?

When a question has (at least) an answer, it remains always visible, even if it is closed. On the contrary, closed questions with no answers, as far as I know, after some time are no more visible. ...
CarLaTeX's user avatar
  • 65.2k
4 votes
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What is a duplicate of what?

I'm sorry for the confusing title, but let's consider the following two questions, which are recently modified on the main site: (1) Is there any way to get real-time compilation for LaTeX? Asked in ...
user avatar
20 votes
0 answers

One 'Two figures' is better than another

I'm just offering some feedback as a person who gets a lot of assistance from the TEX.SE. There are two highly voted question regarding putting two figures on the same page: here and here. The first ...
kingledion's user avatar

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