I use this standard code for Pan / Pinch (1) with Hammer.js :

var mc = new Hammer(document.body);

mc.add(new Hammer.Pinch({ threshold: 0 })).recognizeWith(mc.get('pan'));

// let the pan gesture support all directions. this will block the vertical scrolling on a touch-device while on the element
mc.get('pan').set({ direction: Hammer.DIRECTION_ALL });
mc.on("panleft panright panup pandown tap press pinchstart pinchmove", function(ev) {
    $('#myElement').text(ev.type +" gesture detected. ev.scale=" + ev.scale + "  ev.deltaX,Y=" + ev.deltaX +'  ' + ev.deltaY);

How to get the hammer.js pan events only for touch devices and not for desktop computer Click+Drag? (because I have already working code for desktop computer click+drag, and I don't want to rewrite this!)

Note (1) : By the way, is this code good?, why is the recognizeWith really needed? :

2 Answers 2


You may force Hammer.js to use the input class that you want by setting inputClass option:

var hammer = Hammer(element, {
  inputClass: Hammer.TouchInput

You may want also to support pointer events when available:

var hammer = Hammer(element, {
  inputClass: Hammer.SUPPORT_POINTER_EVENTS ? Hammer.PointerEventInput : Hammer.TouchInput

Hammer.js has following inputClasses built in:

  • PointerEventInput
  • TouchInput
  • MouseInput
  • TouchMouseInput

You can check 'pointerType' property value in event (ev) object. It should be "mouse" for desktop.

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