I want to know how exactly to get this output. Mentioned in the Hammer.js homepage itself. I tried to do it by copying the same code and while emulating, I get the event notifications as 'spanleft' or 'panright'. But my div does not move or animate like shown there. What am I missing? Any HTML5 animation?

EDIT : I'm adding a fiddle here. When I debug it in my phone using phonegap method, it does identifies my multi-touch pinch and rotate actions and appends the value to a preset

<p id="text"></p>

However image stays static. It doesn't change position or size.

  • Could you share some code of yours?
    – Volker E.
    Commented Feb 13, 2015 at 18:12
  • 1
    check edit please. @Volker E
    – elembivos
    Commented Feb 18, 2015 at 10:29


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