this is pug form which is sending data to the requested url

   form.form.form-user-data(action='/submit-user-data' method='POST')
          label.form__label(for='name') Name
          input#name.form__input(type='text', value=`${user.name}`, required)
          label.form__label(for='email') Email
          input#email.form__input(type='email', value=`${user.email}`, required)
          img.form__user-photo(src=`img/${user.photo}`, alt='User photo')
          a.btn-text(href='') Choose new photo
          button.btn.btn--small.btn--green(type="submit") Save settings

and this is is route i have created for getting data from the body

router.post('/submit-user-data', (req, res) => {

when clicking submit i am not recieving body only {} i am receving

  • 2
    Did you instruct express to use express.json()?
    – pierpy
    Commented May 8 at 18:32

1 Answer 1


Browsers will submit values of <FORM> controls only if the control has a NAME attribute. ID alone won't do. So it should be, for example:

   label.form__label(for='email') Email
   input#email.form__input(type='email', name='email' value=user.email, required)

Separately, you can assign Javascript expressions (limited to some operators) directly to Html element attributes. There is no need to use interpolated strings.

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