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Node.js - [CRUD] update

I created a menu-edit.pug to show my edit form, hopefully users click the menu link, jumping to this edit page, and make some updates, when submit the form, the updated value will be stored and ...
Flora Jiang's user avatar
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How do I get ESLint 9 to work with pug templates?

My stack consists of Pug templates, JS (Jquery), yaml and stylus files. I am struggling to get ESLint to work with Pug. I have installed the eslint-plugin-pug and added it to the plugins in the eslint ...
Hatmat's user avatar
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Express route fires a second time

I have a program which I have reduced to almost nothing, and still get the problem that, if I include a HTML5 Video construct, then the initial route gets called twice. app.js var express = require('...
ImTalkingCode's user avatar
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How to use css class name autocomplete in pug files inside vsCode?

I have 2 simple files (index.pug and style.css) and i need css class name autocomplete in pug file. i changed emmet settings too but it does not work. (I need something like tailwindcss extension) I ...
Esmail Jamshidiasl's user avatar
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pug creates newline character in mixin when using block keyword

This example mixin article div if block block +article Test When inspecting the code it looks like one space, but if we start editing the text node we will see this: <div>Test ...
MaximPro's user avatar
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how to prevent duplicate keys into database with mongodb and expressjs

i am working a crude project with mongodb expressjs and pug(formerly knone as jade) i am stuck on preventing duplicate keys both on Front-end and backend. this is what i did.... let mongoose = require(...
Obi Apostle's user avatar
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How can I use pug in angular esbuild, using @angular-builders/custom-esbuild

I am using angular 17, I use pug template, current, I use ng-cli-pug-loader to load pug. I want to transfer to esbuild, so after researching I know that esbuild can config plugin. Can I use plugin to ...
Minh Đặng's user avatar
-1 votes
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Can I use pug template with angular builder esbuild?

In angular 17, I am using "builder": "@angular-builders/custom-webpack:browser". Now I want to use esbuild buider. But my project currently use pug template alter for html. Can I ...
Minh Đặng's user avatar
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Colon symbol in class names for tailwind break Pug files

I am creating a project in Vue where the HTML aspect of it is written in pug. When I add a tailwind class, (for example in this case I am trying to add the classes ) Since it is ...
Joao Moita's user avatar
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How can I enable Intellisense support for .pug files in vscode?

My angular project use pug template, is there any way setup intellisense for pug template file? I had tried package pugjs-angular-language-service. But it didn't work, it will better if it has ...
Minh Đặng's user avatar
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Pug can't read array, but only if iterating through it

I am working on a small Web-development project, express with pug as the view-engine, for my University-course. I wish to iterate through an array of Weather-stations, creating a route for every one, ...
Melontree productions's user avatar
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How do I use a module rendered by the controller with a Jade/Pug template as an argument to an event handler in the Jade/Pug template

I have this module naija passed to a template from the controller like this: res.render('testing', {title:"filter setting page", nigeria:naija ...
Femi's user avatar
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I get null in req.body when submitting data through pug form

this is pug form which is sending data to the requested url form.form.form-user-data(action='/submit-user-data' method='POST') .form__group label.form__label(for='name') Name ...
harshit's user avatar
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pug/uikit nav sidebar lost left padding after uikit upgrade

I forked from this to build a static github page. but after I upgrade uikit to latest version, the side navbar lost its left paddings. before I ...
bhw1899's user avatar
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What is the order loaders applying in Webpack?

I am trying to setup the loading of .pug files by Webpack depending on interim filename extension, herewith it should be default one. In my case, the files which names ends with .vue.pug must me ...
Takeshi Tokugawa YD's user avatar

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