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npm install is giving error - npm error ERESOLVE unable to resolve dependency tree

In my React Native with TypeScript project, I wanted to install dependencies. To install Testing Libraries I've used this command: npm install @testing-library/react-native @testing-library/jest-...
Mobile_Dev's user avatar
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How do I get ESLint 9 to work with pug templates?

My stack consists of Pug templates, JS (Jquery), yaml and stylus files. I am struggling to get ESLint to work with Pug. I have installed the eslint-plugin-pug and added it to the plugins in the eslint ...
Hatmat's user avatar
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npm : how to disable eslint and prettier [closed]

When I am using the command : npm start, I am getting all prettier and eslint formatting error (space before and after brackets, etc.). Is there a way to disable it? Eslint and Prettier are not called ...
thomas's user avatar
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How do I override built-in NodeJS version (Visual Studio 2022 + ESLint 9.10)

I am working on a project in Visual Studio 2022 (17.6.3 but now upgrading to 17.10.6) in which I am writing modules in TS/TSX and installed ESLint 9.10 to help identify issues, but it's now seeming ...
Kris Oye's user avatar
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@typescript-eslint/parser version 8 throws error for index signatures from enum

Upgrading the @typescript-eslint/parser from 7 to version 8.5 leads to the error error 'scope' is defined but never used @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars for codes like export type ...
hugotiburtino's user avatar
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relation of rules in stylistic/eslint-plugin-js and stylistic/eslint-plugin-ts

In the package @stylistic, there's two plugins eslint-plugin-js and eslint-plugin-js. There's some similar rules in the two plugins. For instance, no-extra-parens for js and ts respectively. I am ...
zzzgoo's user avatar
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ESLint 9.x.x error typescript-eslint/parser

When creating the 9.x.x config for ESLint with TypeScript, I started getting an error: Error: Error while loading rule '@typescript-eslint/dot-notation': You have used a rule which requires ...
SailorStat's user avatar
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Can't remove ESlint Error from Style inside SVG [closed]

I am using React and i have downloaded icons and i'm trying to add them to my website by making them into components. This icon is an SVG. I'm getting an eslint error and i'm trying to make it go away ...
Coolkid's user avatar
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JHipster 8.7.0 Upgrade with Angular gets Error: [eslint] Couldn't find FlatESLint

I upgraded from JHipster 8.6.0 to 8.7.0 and now my Angular gets several errors saying: Error: [eslint] Couldn't find FlatESLint, you might need to set eslintPath to 'eslint/use-at-your-own-risk' I ...
Mark Wright's user avatar
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ESLint VSCode plugin not working with eslint.config.mjs

I have an Express.js API, and I'm using the latest version of ESLint (9.10.0). I've been trying to enable code warnings and errors in VS Code, but when I run npx eslint --init, ESLint creates an ...
Byron Jimenez's user avatar
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Trouble setting up eslint_d in neovim for Javascript projects

So I've had my lsp setup with neovim for a minute now, but I've just started working on a javascript project and I realize I have no idea how to setup eslint_d. I've scoured the internet for answers ...
jpwol's user avatar
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Can you pattern match with eslint - lean-imports/import

I have a resource that is a folder of images. When a user imports an image using the pattern below, it pulls in the whole package. import {thisIcon} from "../../myResource/dist"; So, I want ...
Joshua Foxworth's user avatar
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While installing a project in NextJs by using npm install I am getting this error [closed]

npm error While resolving: [email protected] npm error Found: [email protected] npm error node_modules/eslint npm error dev eslint@"^7.9.0" from the root project npm error npm error Could not ...
Amar Banerjee's user avatar
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Problem with Eslint js and global variable

I have a problem with eslint when building my docker containers, but for some reason when I want to create it it gives me an error in a global variable, which I use in the same component but it only ...
Vicio028's user avatar
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How to deal with <script-setup> component imports and eslint rules like no-unused-vars

When using Vue composition API with <script setup>, components are just imported like import Component from '@/components/Component.vue'; How do I keep eslint from applying the no-unused-var ...
Damm Joe's user avatar

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