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npm : how to disable eslint and prettier [closed]

When I am using the command : npm start, I am getting all prettier and eslint formatting error (space before and after brackets, etc.). Is there a way to disable it? Eslint and Prettier are not called ...
thomas's user avatar
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How can one generate the list of all files a prettier invocation will consider?

I have a step in my CI pipeline in which I want to process exactly the same list of files that our standard command-line invocation of prettier will parse/check. But because of things like our ....
Glen Whitney's user avatar
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Why doesn't Prettier configuration sort the imports correctly?

I have this Prettier configuration: module.exports = { plugins: ["@trivago/prettier-plugin-sort-imports"], importOrder: [ "@las/(.*)$", "<THIRD_PARTY_MODULES>...
Opal Amsalem's user avatar
-6 votes
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How to configure code indentation in VSCode?

I would like to clarify a question about VSCode indentation. My employee is using the Prettier extension for code formatting. A function that was supposed to look like this: function evaluateCandidate(...
inkluziva teste's user avatar
-1 votes
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Why does Prettier wrap my anonymous function with another anonymous function call and how do I turn it off?

Here is the original code: namespace.namespace2 = new function() {/* logic here*/} After using Prettier: namespace.namespace2 = new (function() {/* logic here*/})(); Why? I want an option to disable ...
ZaTrox's user avatar
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Eslint and prettier with Typescript React configuration

I have recently integrated eslint and prettier with react application based on typescript. I am having an issue where when I run npm run lint, I am able to see the warnings given by eslint, but when I ...
Himank Jerolia's user avatar
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How to change indent size to 4 in Nx workspace for all files including config files at root level?

I created workspace using Nx, i managed to changed indent size to 4 using generated .editorconfig file. # Editor configuration, see root = true [*] charset = utf-8 ...
zxcvbnm's user avatar
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Format object property array on single line while having array new line

I would like to enforce ruling on object property arrays like this: { foo: [ "foo", "foo" ] } While still having the array outside objects like this: [ "foo", &...
hnkeh's user avatar
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Sometimes the "printWidth" option in "prettier" is applied, but sometimes it is not

How to reproduce the phenomenon Install "Prettier - Code formatter" extention in Vscode write file .prettierrc { "tabWidth": 2, "singleQuote": true, "...
dom wis's user avatar
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How to fix eslint - node version compatibilty issue?

I am trying to configure eslint & prettier in my node project When i run npm i i am getting version compatibility warning for eslint.How can i fix this ? I tried to specify node version within ...
lekshmi's user avatar
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NX Build Fails After Upgrading Prettier and using in an app a Webpack-Obfuscator Plugin

I'm working on an Angular project using Nx and have set up a custom Webpack plugin that includes webpack-obfuscator for code obfuscation. Everything was working fine until I upgraded the prettier ...
tony's user avatar
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Prettier VSCode ignore meta commands in .sql files

I'm new to SQL, and trying to use SQL Formatter VSCode, successor of Prettier SQL VSCode to format my .sql files with prettier in VSCode, with psql to run my files. It manages to format the files ...
George's user avatar
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2 answers

Prevent vscode prettier wrap jsx attributes which has template literals in it

I found that prettier will wrap my jsx attributes which has more than one template literal to new line. For examples in my jsx file: // before formatted and expected result <DemoFrame html={`${...
Shuo's user avatar
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prettier change multi line into single line despite not crossing print width

VS Code 1.92.1 Ubuntu 24.04 Astro based project Prettier extension installed and set formatter for code-snippets extension as below .prettierrc file content printWidth: 140, semi: true, ...
xkeshav's user avatar
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How to remove trailing spaces in all files except Markdown?

I use Prettier to format my code. By default Prettier removes/trims trailing whitespaces. This is a good thing but an inconvenience in Markdown files. I use trailing whitespaces in Markdown for ...
hane Smitter's user avatar

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