
For full loads I stage the data for all tables, and then finally in a transaction perform a table switch to switch the staging and main tables.

For incremental load however, I stage last 7 days of data for all incremental load tables, and then in a transaction I perform an update/insert with the main table.

The incremental load is causing blocking and I was thinking of having a new table called holding table. I will stage the last 7 days of data, update the holding table and switch holding/main tables, and again update the holding table.

Is there any other approach?

  • 1
    Perhaps, based on the volume and type of questions you are asking, it is time to hire a consultant.
    – Thom A
    Commented 7 hours ago
  • How is such an unfriendly or unhelpful reply even allowed on this site. Not sure what's making you feel entitled to make this comment to me who is a learner seeking knowledge.
    – variable
    Commented 7 hours ago
  • Are you not using Snapshot/READ COMMITTED SNAPSHOT isolation? Loading data doesn't have to cause blocking. Commented 6 hours ago


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