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Stripe.js Fails to Load in React Native WebView on Android

Problem Overview: I’m facing an issue where Stripe.js fails to load in the Android WebView in my React Native app, preventing the payment flow from functioning. The integration works perfectly on iOS ...
user27318543's user avatar
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Flutter android Webview from HTMLString stays blank until interaction then shows content

i have the Problem that the webview in android stays blank (black or white depending on android theme) until some interaction, be it touching the screen, rotating the device or using the volume ...
matrixPill's user avatar
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Using Netflix in flutter WebView

I was trying to replicate the Rave App App by making its clone in flutter. I was able to play YouTube videos by using webview package and it is able to replicate the same functionality as in original ...
sahil jain's user avatar
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Request Android client to update it's WebView

I've got a React app that is wrapped with Capacitor, to deploy an android app. In my react code app I use new web features: structuredClone (js), and @starting style(css feature- that cannot be ...
Chen Peleg's user avatar
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How to change the language or texts of the date and time picker buttons in a webview?

When I use the HTML input type time or date in an Android WebView, the translation for set and clear is missing in the date and time picker. In this example, I am using Portuguese as the language. ...
Lucas santos's user avatar
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Android cached Vue js in web view

The web view loads a webpage with a script tag to an app.js file. Have forced the app.js file to reload by appending a random string like so app.js?v=1223. That worked for iOS, but Android is still ...
hackerl33t's user avatar
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webView cannot open camera

// HTTPS Configuration const httpsOptions = { key: fs.readFileSync('D:/projects/webApp/OpenSSL-Win64/bin/server.key'), // Path to your server private key cert: fs.readFileSync('D:/projects/...
mariostavr's user avatar
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Android webview, access website's cached images

Can I access the actual images (file or data URI) that a webview caches when loading a webpage? And, if so, can I find the file associated with a particular URL link? For example, I want the cached ...
user984003's user avatar
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Android webview, Access image data from image loaded in website without making Java request

How do I get the image data from an image that is loaded in a webpage in Android webview? (Not just the link URL, the actual data.) The kicker is that I need to do this without making a second request ...
user984003's user avatar
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Performance Issues on Android WebView with React and Capacitor v6: Excessive Idle Time During User Interactions

I'm currently building a vocabulary trainer app using React and Capacitor v6. While the app performs exceptionally well on the web and has good performance on iOS, I'm facing significant performance ...
Sebi.E's user avatar
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webview_flutter not Working on Android with some URLs

I'm using webview_flutter to open a webveiw in my app, but it's not working when I'm trying to open this URL: note: - it works perfectly on IOS ...
Abdeljalil Bouchfar's user avatar
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Android Webview not passing header enrichment parameters

I am trying to create a simple android app containing a webView that loads and opens a url whitelisted by the mobile operator to allow header enrichment injection. We did proper tests with mobile ...
Mahmoud Hijazi's user avatar
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How can I go back to exact scroll position in WebView?

I am creating an app that uses Android WebView. However, when I use the function goBack() it does not take me to the exact scroll position. In addition, my page is dynamically loading. When I scroll ...
Emin Üstün's user avatar
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onBackPress can't load previous page on webView if use to load by postUrl()

i am trying to create an webView based android app.and can go back to the previous page by onBackPress. it is perfectly working when i using webview.loadUrl("url") as GET method. but wehen i ...
anashabib365247's user avatar
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Android webview with foreground service throws "Application attempted to call on a destroyed WebView"

Hello Android experts, I am working on an Angular-Capacitor Android app for a VOIP telephony solution. After a recent update to my app where I bumped up the min sdk version to 29, I had to restructure ...
amritashan's user avatar

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