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21 votes
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How to import a NgModule library with forRoot() to an Angular standalone component?

I'm currently working on an Angular application (version 16.1.3) which utilizes standalone components. This application also relies on an Angular library that uses NgModules. I'm attempting to import ...
Florian Goebel's user avatar
14 votes
3 answers

Use @ngx-translate in standalone components in Angular 17

I use standalone components in Angular 17. When I used module architecture, I didn't have this problem. I added it to import in AppModule and it works good. imports: [ TranslateModule.forRoot(loader) ...
FX_Sektor's user avatar
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keycloak-angular with AngularElements and Standalone Component (no Authorization Header added to requests)

I have an angular app (and a nestjs backend) and I try to handle user login with the help of keycloak. As the buzzword rich question title states I have kind of a "weird" architecture. I ...
andymel's user avatar
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NullInjectorError - Root standalone component does not import HttpClientModule properly

I have an issue, I want to rewrite my app code and change main module to main root standalone component pointed in main.ts. All works fine but I have an issue with HttpClientModule. I am using ...
Patryk's user avatar
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Unexpected synthetic property @transitionMessages found with standalone compoent angular 15

I am migrating the angular application to the standalone component. Removed the ngModule and app.module.ts file main.ts bootstrapApplication(AppComponent,{ providers:[importProvidersFrom(...
San Jaisy's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'ɵcmp') Angular

I have created a custom ui library using only standalone components and here's my public-api.ts file. /* * Public API Surface of ih-ui-lib */ export * from './lib/ui-lib.service'; export * from './...
Azan Korejo's user avatar
6 votes
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Angular 15 Ref Error: Cannot access 'Component A' before initialization

I am facing one issue while importing standalone component within each other. Component A. @Component({ standalone: true, selector: 'app-a', templateUrl: './a.component.html', styleUrls: ['./a....
Mantu Nigam's user avatar
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Angular dynamic module federation NullInjectorError when importing a standalone component with dependencies

I am trying to create the shell application as a dashboard with no routing, where I display multiple cards and the card content would be the remote (the microfrontend standalone component). I have ...
kristof's user avatar
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3 answers

Is there a way of providing the common module in all modules in Angular StandAlone?

In every component I have to import this CommonModule to use directives like NgIf and so on. I want a way of injecting this module in all my modules. @Component({ selector: 'app-register', ...
GuilhermeMarques's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Error: Can't bind to 'routerLink' since it isn't a known property of 'a'. with standalone component in Angular 15

I have a standalone component called home, but I am not able to have dynamic routerLinks in it even if I have imported RouterModule in my [imports] of my component. I do not have ngModules in my app ...
poshy23's user avatar
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Importing the BrowserModule into a standalone Angular16 project

Angular 16 is recently released and I have created a new standalone project without any module. then in a standalone component I need to import BrowserAnimationsModule from angular/platform-browser/...
Zahra Rabbani's user avatar
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Angular 17: select correct ElementRef of children component on mouseover event

I am constructing draggable and resizable elements in a circumscribed area. When I hover these elements I dynamically apply sensitive dots (red squares) over them so that I can also perform resizing. ...
Lorenzo's user avatar
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TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'ɵcmp') in Angular 18

I'm trying to make the sorting of table work for /users that is defined in UserListComponent. The sorting functionality was broken by introducing NavbarComponent. I tired to switch to standalone ...
J.Olufsen's user avatar
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Angular 18 component is imported as non standalone component but fails to render

How to wire correctly NavbarComponent into the template of app component? app.component.html <app-navbar></app-navbar> <router-outlet></router-outlet> main.ts import {...
J.Olufsen's user avatar
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Component imports must be standalone components, directives, pipes, or must be NgModules while importing an NgModule

I'm trying to import an NgModule into a standalone component but the compiler is throwing the error NG2012 : Component imports must be standalone components, directives, pipes, or must be NgModules. ...
Matthieu Riegler's user avatar

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