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Autogen - TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable

I have been having challenges with Autogen framework for quite sometime now, I have followed YouTube tutorials, Autogen documentations, done the necessary installations and still get the same error ...
Joca's user avatar
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Why won't my aerodynamics neural network converge? [closed]

I am training a neural network to predict the aerodynamic properties of an airfoil given 6 shape parameters, the angle of attack, and the Reynolds number. I have scraped about 120MB of training data ...
avidcoder's user avatar
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Is milvus_proxy_sq_latency in the Milvus documentation for monitoring metrics?

I’m monitoring my Milvus instance using Prometheus, and I’ve come across the metric milvus_proxy_sq_latency, which is used to measure the latency of search and query requests. However, I couldn’t find ...
Eureka's user avatar
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Need technical flow for pattern machining [closed]

I want something that can tell me which actions should be done for certain IDs in my data. For instance, should we update or ignore an ID that is of the type "xyz"? This choice ought to be ...
khukuk's user avatar
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Issue with Axios POST request to Flask backend in AI model

I'm working on a React frontend and Flask backend, and I'm encountering a CORS issue when sending a POST request from the frontend to a Flask route (/predict). The GET request to the root (/) works ...
medHedi's user avatar
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CalcDistance Deprecated: How to Calculate Vector Distance in Milvus SDK?

I encountered an error when trying to calculate the distance between two vectors using the CalcDistance(): service unavailable: CalcDistance deprecated. I am using milvus-sdk-go version v2.4.1 and ...
user15860511's user avatar
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Get the attention scores of a pretrained transformer in pytorch

I've been trying to look at the attention scores of a pretrained transformer when I pass specific data in. It's specifically a Pytorch Transformer. I've tried using forward hooks, but I'm only able to ...
Thomas's user avatar
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Error during the compilation of the tokenizers package when trying to install transformers 4.27

The use of chatglm-6b requires the installation of transformers==4.27.1. I'm trying to install transformers==4.27.1, but I'm encountering an error during the compilation of the tokenizers package, ...
DragonFang's user avatar
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Error: system file uploading files to GPT [closed]

I'm building a GPT, and I want to upload knowleadge through a document, word or pdf - but it doesn't matter it says: "Can't open this file - can not open this folder beacuse it contains system ...
Christian's user avatar
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Automate writing product-test file(.feature) using OpenAPI YAML file [closed]

I want to automate the process of writing .feature files for API endpoint testing in product test by directly using OpenAPI YAML file which already has details of all endpoints. Does anyone know some ...
yashwant singh kaurav's user avatar
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Can we generate chart using builder IO tool with voice command [closed]

i wanted to generate chart using builder IO tool with voice command. i have paid subscription of that tool but dont find any solution. Another problem statement is, I wanted to generate react ...
Abhijit's user avatar
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Depth First Search Time Complexity

Below is Python code for a depth search algorithm. def add_edge(adj, s, t): # Add edge from vertex s to t adj[s].append(t) # Due to undirected Graph adj[t].append(s) print('adj add ...
Palavi Rajgude's user avatar
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Milvus: What password is required to start the script? [closed]

I have deployed Milvus on GKE using the Milvus Operator with the image milvusdb/milvus:v2.4.4-gpu. My setup includes two node pools: one with 4 e2-highmem-8 nodes and another with 2 n1-highmem-8 nodes ...
Eureka's user avatar
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How to re-train ML model [closed]

I was playing around with AWS Sagemaker, trained a model with some labeled data, deployed it to endpoint and set up Lambda for serving predictions. All good, but I want to re-train my model regularly, ...
mangusta's user avatar
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How do I use html files within an index and provide the url rather than the file name [closed]

The development tooling I am using is Azure AI Studio, which is a web interface based tool. I'm using the indexing feature within it (which is basically data) and Im also using prompt flow which has ...
steve parry's user avatar

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