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How to perform Basic Authentication in Web Service asmx?

I do not have any experience in working in asmx. The company I work in is trying to update their time entry site. It was built in using web service asmx and anyone with the url could access the time ...
Faysal Mahmud's user avatar
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The top XML element 'ReservationControlInformationDetailsTypeI' from namespace '' references distinct types

I used svcutil to generate proxy class. I used this proxy class to communicate with Amadeus web services, But when compiling the web service, the error is generated and it is given below. The top XML ...
wiki's user avatar
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Modify WSDL Output Schema on ASMX .net

Im having an issue with asmx output schemas, I also tried WCF method. But still failed I create a WSDL with .net ASMX and wanted to have an output like this Expected result But my code ...
Ferial Fahlevi's user avatar
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ASMX service that receive a QRcode string in parameters miss some characters

I've got this method : [WebMethod] [ScriptMethod(ResponseFormat = ResponseFormat.Json)] //[SoapHeader("User", Required = true)] public void GetValidationTicket(int ...
Andrew's user avatar
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How to consume local asmx web service from .net console application

I'm trying to learn web services. I started with basic template .asmx. Then I created a .net console application and add web reference to this app. It looks work fine. But I dont know how to call this ...
Ali Kocak's user avatar
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How do I call web services in C# that have class objects as parameters?

There are no run-time errors. But I can't invoke these web services. The invoke button works perfectly fine for web methods with no class object as a parameter. Here is my code. public class ...
Chavi_99's user avatar
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C# WebService: server can't process the request

I'm trying to send a JSON message to WebService maked with ASP.NET Web Application (.NET Framwork) in Visual Studio 2022. However, I receive the next exception when I try to send a message with the ...
F A Fernández's user avatar
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Error when calling asmx endpoint on server with TLS 1.3 only

I have an application that calls an ASMX web service which is situated on another server. Recently, this server had been reconfigured to disable all TLS versions except for 1.3. This resulted in my ...
Notaras's user avatar
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c# web service (asmx) objects

I have a local console app using a DLL that contains models. I have created a remote web service (using the same DLL and models). When the client (local console app) consumes the remote asmx wsdl, all ...
Chen's user avatar
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Allow content origin on .asmx file

We are making a website that pulls the Price data (using Javascript) from an old version of a WebService, that we don't have access to. We managed to download the .asmx file locally from the Web ...
Viktor Zahariev's user avatar
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transfer byte array by chunk over webservice asmx

I am working on a legacy webservice that are used to transfer zip files between server, it works fine until recently where the size of files become larger, more than 700 mb. This causes exceptions as ...
Syafi Mohamad's user avatar
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Creating a SOAP webservice with .NET in 2022 - Incompatible with await Task

We are migrating a Windows Forms App (.NET Framework) to a SOAP web service. You may ask why SOAP instead of REST, the reason is that our client's Point of Sale terminals are only capable of making ...
Felipe La Rotta's user avatar
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Asynchronous calls start a decline and stop running in parallel over time

While converting a traditional .net web forms application to angular, small parts are being converted as custom components and the .js files are hosted in aspx pages. Since the api is not public, the ...
Ross Bush's user avatar
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Why does the version shown in the GeneratedCodeAttribute not match the version of the tool generating the web service reference code?

We've inherited a legacy application that uses SOAP web services. I'm currently upgrading the .net framework version to 4.8. When you add a web reference visual studio generates a Reference.cs file. ...
IEnjoyEatingVegetables's user avatar
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windows communication foundation (WCF) replacement

i was employed by a company 5 years ago. the company still uses .NET 4.5 with WCF. .NET 4.5 is obsolete while .NET core exist. i tried many times suggesting an upgrade to .NET core, but our CTO refuse ...
bjzero's user avatar
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