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Trying to disable a large tooltip window that pops up every time I am writing commas in my code in Visual Studio 2022

enter image description here Hello everybody I am having an issue while I am using Visual Studio 2022. Now I am writhing a code using Tkinter for GUI in python. And when I am typing my code when I use ...
Anelia Ivanova's user avatar
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How can I place the Visual Studio HTTPS Server into the Tray Icon when I am debugging

When I am debugging my Blazor App I would like the HTTPS Server to go into the Icon tray instead of the TaskBar. If I need to look at it, I can open it from the Icon Tray. When I am done debugging I ...
Axium7's user avatar
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SSIS error 'Opening a rowset for "<view>" failed. Check that the object exists in the database' when running in new VM

I have an SSIS job that exports data from a SQL view to a flat file. The view is on Server1 and has a JOIN to a table on Server2. The ssis package is running in Visual Studio 2022. I can work with it ...
Don's user avatar
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Visual Studio 2022 community Issue

I've recently switched to a Mac (Mac 15 M3), and I've discovered that Visual Studio is no longer supported for Mac users. To work around this, I installed a Windows virtual machine on Parallels and ...
Swaleha KM's user avatar
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How to align << in source code that spans multiple lines

I have this problem with << unalignment in Visual Studio. cout << "Spring" << endl << "Summer" << end << "Autumn" << ...
Bowfm's user avatar
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VS Code source control not showing branches or allowing pull requests

some time ago my source control extension in VS code has changed and now will not let me select branches or submit pull requests, along with many other features simply not being present. I used to ...
Jordan's user avatar
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Prevent Visual Studio from adding a BOM when transforming files

I have a JSON file someconfig.json along with Debug/Release transforms files someconfig.Debug/Release.json. All three are encoded in UTF-8 without BOM. But the files resulting from the transforms are ...
Pragmateek's user avatar
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Unable to add the web service in the exiting solution using VS 2019

I want to add new web service in existing solution but not getting option to add. Also in the property of the solution the framework dropdown is disabled. I am using VS 2019. I have tried making ...
Abe's user avatar
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Visual Studio project references that use Environment Variables in their path are not updated when the relevant Env Variable is updated

I have a .csproj which has a reference that utilizes a System Environment Variable in the Hint Path: <Reference Include="MyLib"> <HintPath>$(LIB_PATH)\bin\MyLib.dll</...
mikevil14rin's user avatar
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Visual Studio - Debug tests - `Aborted: Exit code is -42`

I have an old project I try to update. It is based on ASP.NET Zero 6.5.0. The Tests are based on Xunit. Since an unknown time, when I run a test in Debug, Visual Studo tells me Aborted: Exit code is -...
Damien R's user avatar
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Visual Studio - Kill all processes created

I have a main process creating small processes. When I stop debugging, these processes does not kill themselves, preventing any rebuild. I must go to the windows process manager, search for my ...
Foxhunt's user avatar
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dotnet not recognized in visual studio 2022

I'm trying to use .NET within Visual Studio 2022, but I keep getting the following error: dotnet : The term 'dotnet' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable ...
Jordy eulink's user avatar
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NuGet Errors in Visual Studio 2022 After Changing Project Icon and Reinstalling .NET and Visual Studio

I am encountering a persistent issue with NuGet package resolution in Visual Studio 2022 (Version 17.11.4) that started after I changed the project icon in my .NET MAUI solution. Now I am getting ...
timkicker's user avatar
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Why does Visual Studio 2017 folder always appear in my file explore? [closed]

I currently download and use Visual Studio 2022. But today, I find that beside the VS2022 folder, I also have a VS2017 folder. I have tried to delete it but just after a few minutes, it appears again. ...
user27374481's user avatar
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Let ME decide which windows should be displayed and/or pinned

Visual Studio 2022 seems to fairly consistently decide for me which (what I'll call 'debugging support') windows should be displayed, which windows should disappear, which windows should be pinned by ...
curious's user avatar
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