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First slides not showing when using multiple javascript carousels

I am having some trouble figuring out why my first slides aren't showing while having multiple carousels running. I have little knowledge on coding and kind of stitched/modified some I've found, ...
dork artist's user avatar
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Carousel Item transitions are not fully working [closed]

I've got a carousel that display's different banners for the front page of a website, I am wanting it to have a smooth transition between every slide and it works well, the only issue is when it ...
Dan Griffin's user avatar
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Smooth Carousel Not Looping Properly - Jumps After Last Image

I'm working on creating a smooth carousel, but I'm running into an issue. After the last image is displayed, the website background shows up before it jumps back to the first image. I want the ...
Junior Vasconcellos's user avatar
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2 Way auto scroll Horizontal --React js

I am trying to create a two-way auto-scrolling horizontal component in React. My approach involves capturing the previous and current positions of the scrollbar to track its movement accurately. ...
adilan waelohma's user avatar
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Creating an Infinite Scroll Carousel with Clickable Indicators

I’m trying to create a div with horizontal scrolling, similar to a carousel, containing multiple cards that can scroll from left to right. The scroll should be infinite, meaning that once the last ...
Elena's user avatar
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function at bootstrap 4 carousel image slide event

I am using bootstrap 4 carousel with 11 slides which are working fine as desired. I have another div (#div-info) say in which I wish to display certain Text and some other image as per carousel slide. ...
BinodBinani's user avatar
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Overlapping carousel images issue

I have a working carousel: images enter from the right side of the screen when clicking on one of the buttons at the bottom, they stay on the screen and move to the left when clicking on another ...
Danielillo's user avatar
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Swiper.js changes slides incorrectly. How does the slideNext and slidePrev methods work?

I have custom carousel with 3 elements, active element of it is bigger than other elements. When I click to the next/prev slide, its seems like ±translate-x-[calc(size-of-active-element+some-space)]. ...
Арыстанбек Қажым's user avatar
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event.targetTouches generates javascript error on some browsers

I’ve built a custom carousel with momentum and all works fine on my own browsers. However, Sentry gives me the following error “Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘0’)” for some Windows ...
Take your Backpack's user avatar
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On click of image carousel with lightbox, taking to image URL and then showing lightbox

I have a wordpress website where I am using elementor Image Carousel in Blocksy theme. Here are the option I have selected for the images Link - Media File Lightbox - Yes When I click on the image, ...
Shrikar Kalagi's user avatar
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Bootstrap 5 Carousel: How to Smoothly Transition Between Non-Adjacent Slides Using Indicators

Problem Description: I'm using Bootstrap 5 to implement a carousel with three slides, and I've encountered an issue when navigating between non-adjacent slides using the indicators. Specifically, when ...
Alex's user avatar
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Cant put tsparticle.js component on each carousel slide of React.js

I am using the tsparticle.js with React and Tailwind css for design in my code in the carousel slides but i cant see that on each slide. It appears only on first slide. The rest of the slides are ...
B ANURAG's user avatar
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Custom scrollbar movement restriction

I have created a custom code carousel with a custom scrollbar, navigation dots and buttons that is working properly when I navigate with Next/Prev Buttons. The problem is that I need to restrict the ...
McMore's user avatar
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React Native Error: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'style') when using custom component

I'm encountering an issue in my React Native expo application where I'm getting an error message that reads: Cannot read property 'style' of undefined when trying to use a custom component within ...
MH Developer's user avatar
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How to get current active image index of daisyui carousel with Nuxtjs

I have created a carousel for product images which are using the daisyui carousel component. I want to add indicators to this carousel, so that when a user swipe right or left, the active indicator ...
duongtt's user avatar
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