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Images not showing on react-slick slider

My images are not showing on the slider only the captions are showing. The slider is working well, the captions are all showing but the images are not showing. I have tried to import images in ...
Joel's user avatar
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Swiper slider with slidesPerView="auto" skips my last items

I wanted to make a slider using Swiper, that shows 3 cards and align to my container. On the initial state the first chard schuld align on the left of my container and have one "empty" card ...
Chrissi's user avatar
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Bootstrap carousel box-shadow doubling during slide transition

I have a bootstrap carousel in which the bootstrap "row" for each slide has a box-shadow applied. When the slide is transitioning the second slide shadow appears and doubles on top of each ...
wdesign's user avatar
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Bootstrap 5 carousel displays in a column

Bootstrap 5 carousel is showing pictures underneath each other in a column. The buttons are not showing either. This is the first time I've tried using a carousel and I'm completely stumped. I haven't ...
Louise Runnacles's user avatar
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Bootstrap 5 Carousel will not autoplay after page load

This standard Bootstrap 5 carousel code... <div id="carouselExampleSlidesOnly" class="carousel slide" data-bs-ride="carousel"> <div class="carousel-inner&...
Cymro's user avatar
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First slides not showing when using multiple javascript carousels

I am having some trouble figuring out why my first slides aren't showing while having multiple carousels running. I have little knowledge on coding and kind of stitched/modified some I've found, ...
dork artist's user avatar
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Carousel Item transitions are not fully working [closed]

I've got a carousel that display's different banners for the front page of a website, I am wanting it to have a smooth transition between every slide and it works well, the only issue is when it ...
Dan Griffin's user avatar
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How to Position Carousel Arrows on Top and Prevent Lagging in React with @brainhubeu/react-carousel

I'm building a React component using @brainhubeu/react-carousel to display a list of services. I've successfully implemented the carousel with features like autoplay, infinite loop, and arrows. ...
Khalil Fathalli's user avatar
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How can I do this image carousel on flutter? [closed]

I want to create an image carousel on flutter with the example image below. Which is I can scroll horizontally. And when the screen is wide/landscape the carousel will spread and will not hide behind ...
ImBatman's user avatar
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Smooth Carousel Not Looping Properly - Jumps After Last Image

I'm working on creating a smooth carousel, but I'm running into an issue. After the last image is displayed, the website background shows up before it jumps back to the first image. I want the ...
Junior Vasconcellos's user avatar
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2 Way auto scroll Horizontal --React js

I am trying to create a two-way auto-scrolling horizontal component in React. My approach involves capturing the previous and current positions of the scrollbar to track its movement accurately. ...
adilan waelohma's user avatar
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How to make Angular image slider skip intermediate steps when jumping between slides?

I have implemented an image slider in my Angular application, and it is working fine. However, I would like to modify its behavior when jumping directly between non-adjacent slides using the round ...
coder's user avatar
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The image becomes really big when it changes to next in carousel. (React)

I am working on building a react website and I want to add a carousel in it with some text next to it. The problem is that whenever the image switches to the next manually or automatically, the image ...
Darsh. S.'s user avatar
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How do I make my image in a carousel a clickable link?

How do I make each image in my carousel a clickable link to my other pages? I can get them to work outside of my carousel or when I do get them to work within the carousel the sit within the it side ...
Steven Hooper's user avatar
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How do I make each image in my carousel a clickable link?

Here the images show up in my carousel, but will allow me to click on them and get directed to my other pages. How do I correct this? <div id="drag-container"> <div id="spin-...
Steven Hooper's user avatar

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