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How to add radio buttons in Gitlab markdown?

I am preparing an issue in Gitlab where I want the assignee to select one of 2 or even 3 options. I have something like: - [ ] Task - [ ] Yes - [ ] No That works but I want to enforce that the ...
Philip Rutovitz's user avatar
8 votes
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Identify when default Android Checkbox animation ends

When clicking on a Checkbox, a default Android material design animation is triggered (from blank to a "V" mark, and from "V" mark to a blank). I want to identify when the animation ends. According ...
Hexagon's user avatar
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How to add a checkbox within a markdown table in Gitlab?

I am trying to set up a table in markdown that I can store in a Gitlab Wiki. The table looks something like this: | Col1 | Col2 | Col 3 | Col4 | | :---: | :---: | :---: | --- | | ID1 | Yes | No | ...
Philip Rutovitz's user avatar
6 votes
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How to navigate with keyboard trough <mat-checkbox> in <mat-menu>

I'm trying to navigate using keyboard trough checkbox list in angular material menu but without success. My code: <button [matMenuTriggerFor]="testMenu">Test</button> <mat-menu #...
Biotox's user avatar
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WooCommerce Admin -> Orders | add checkbox on each product

wasted more than 12 hours for getting this to work, without luck. Found some other threads here, with some similar questions but all without a response. // What i need? I need a checkbox on ...
click here's user avatar
6 votes
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How can I center a WPF checkbox inside its clickable region?

If I create a CheckBox control in WPF (with no Content -- I only need the check/uncheck part), it puts the "box" visual (the 3-D rectangle that either has or doesn't have a check mark in it) in the ...
Joe White's user avatar
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python: how to insert checkbox in excel?

I'm trying to generate excel file row by row with xlsxwriter. In some rows I need to insert checkbox. Does anyone knows to do this? Thanks!
wefo's user avatar
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View based NSTableView checkbox

I have an NSTableView that's view based, not the old cell based, and I'm doing everything via bindings. In one of my columns I now want a checkbox. I dragged a checkbox button (not a checkbox button ...
Gargoyle's user avatar
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Checkbox checked and unchecked events are being fired when I select an expander

I just noticed this issue, whenever I select an expander whose parent is a checkbox it triggers the checked/unchecked events even though the checkbox is not checked. Here is a .gif that shows it ...
Douglas Gaskell's user avatar
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PDF Parsing extract CheckBox Fields value

I have a PDF Documnet that would like to extract Content from PDF and Chackbox and Radio Button types fields value. PDF file have a version 1.4(Acrobat 5.x) and may be genrated from web browser. ...
Akshay's user avatar
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Shift + Click to Select a Range of Checkboxes

I have large tables being generated and each row has a checkbox, class "chcktbl". In the table header, there is a Select All checkbox, class "chckHead". The select/deselect all function works fine, ...
user2690652's user avatar
5 votes
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PyQt: change the alignment of checkboxes in a QTableView

I have a QTableView with checkbox, but the checkbox is aligned left, and I need to align it center. I tried this, but I have a problem with the "check" function: def drawCheck(self, painter, option, ...
ekapek's user avatar
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How can I tell state of checkbox in Google Docs via api?

If I create a Google document with a checklist, how do I tell whether an item is checked or unchecked? When I diff the document json, it is the same in either state (except for revision number). ...
Tim.E's user avatar
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How to use CheckBoxes filter in Google DataStudio?

In a Report in Google DataStudio, I have a CSV connector (for the moment). I would like to use a check box to sort only lines who are under a value on a specific page. The Facts: I have a field who ...
Nicolas's user avatar
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Have all filter checkboxes checked to start when using crosstalk package with reactable in r

Since the default is to not have any filters applied, how can I make all checkboxes filled with a checkmark to start? Using crosstalk package with reactable.
Gil Meriken's user avatar

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