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Got "expected type specifier" error while instantiating my property

My goal is to create nullable value which takes both a default value function and a key to retrieve a potential customization of the value from the flash storage. But trying to instantiate it as a ...
Stéphane de Luca's user avatar
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Should I use member or non-member functions when breaking constructors in Go? [closed]

Suppose I have a big, complex struct Foo. type Foo struct { // a big, complex object... } It will be created with the constructor function NewFoo(). Since the object is big and complex, NewFoo() ...
rodrigocfd's user avatar
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Make Auth::id() availeble in other midleware in Laravel 11

In Laravel 11 a middleware is called in the constructor of a controller. The controller: <?php namespace App\Http\Controllers; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth; use Illuminate\Http\Request; ...
UltraMarkus's user avatar
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data validation in constructors c++ [closed]

Is it better or not to verify data using a constructor while creating the object? The user is not allowed to create an object until he enters correct data Is this true or no? Is there a better way ...
عبدالرحمن سعد's user avatar
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How to properly infer the Constructor of an object through JSDoc?

I want to make this function that receives a parameter and return its class if object, the parameter itself if function or the legacy object constructor if anything else. In JavaScript the example ...
user2804429's user avatar
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self inside Lua constructors

Sorry it's not quite a specific question. In the "Programming in Lua, 4th edition" one can see the following code : Account = {balance = 0} function Account:new (o) o = o or {} self....
LRDPRDX's user avatar
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Transfer the ownership of a already-defined std::unique_ptr to the member of a class object

I am trying to transfer the ownership of a already-defined std::unique_ptr to the member of a class object: #include <iostream> #include "memory" // base class class base { public: ...
Nick X Tsui's user avatar
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StackOverflowError when constucting a struct from another in Julia

I get a StackOverflowError when I try to build a struct object from another, previously existing one in which one of the parameters depends on the others. I define a type like the following: using ...
Carlos Payá's user avatar
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How to validate user input and verify atrributes applied correctly?

I am working on a code that does checks for various things. Everything in the code works fine, except there is two checks it is failing according to my instructer, and I am not seeing where I am ...
Kyle Mann's user avatar
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C++: Catching an exception thrown by a constructor of a parent class within a derived class [duplicate]

I have a base class, which throws an exception in the constructor. I call this constructor from the child constructor, but can't catch within the derived constructor the exception that is thrown from ...
Nils Tierecke's user avatar
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Why can't I define a key value in parent constructor if it's not in the child one

Why can't I put species in the constructor here but outside it is allowed? What can be done to fix this? For example, class Humans { constructor(nameGiven) { this.nameGiven = nameGiven; } ...
Krishang Rana's user avatar
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Spring framework dependency injection

I have my controller class and a instance member is annotated with @Autowired annotation. The IndexImplementer call to method2() is successfully executed when the post request is made during testing. ...
cbhutad's user avatar
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How can i use a contructor as parameter to another constructor in c++

An exercise am working on, I created two classes, Book & Date. The Date constructor simply takes 3 int arguments for day, month and year. The Book constructor takes string isbn, string title, ...
Ssekyanzi Aloysious's user avatar
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Pass the field parameter of the current class in the constructor of the current class to the constructor of the parent class

Is it possible to pass the ‘this.lst’ field in the Test1 class constructor to the Test class constructor (without making the ‘lst’ field static)? class Test { internal Test(List<int> lst) ...
Ramil Shavaleev's user avatar
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"x" is not a constructor- PlayWright automating testing beginner

I am learning Playwright. This is what I have so far. Can someone please point out what I am doing wrong? I referred to youtube videos and still unable to see what the mistake is. I appreciate your ...
RRJoshi Joshi's user avatar

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