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Copy One or Multiple Files with Powershell and Append DATE To the Front of the Filename

I created this script that works perfectly in ISE but fails with the below output when porting it into my command line tool. Here is the script. $source_folder = $args[0]; $destination_folder = $...
Todd's user avatar
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Powershell - Copy files only from the current day and if they don't exist in the target directory

I'm trying to develop a script that copy .txt files from two source folders to one destination folder. I would like as well to add 2 additional conditions: If a file already exists in the target ...
Victor Leclerc's user avatar
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Move files matching specific date from array of servers/folders to a local folder (Powershell)

I'm attempting to copy all files from an array of production servers that match a specific user-entered date (to prepare for rollbacks if necessary) is what I have tried: [string[]]$...
Phydeaux86's user avatar
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Powershell copy file after a date has passed with file structure

I am trying to copy a file off a server and onto another, I want to keep the structure of the file like so C:\folder\folder\file! If the folder is there copy the file into it, if it is not then create ...
Echo's user avatar
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