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Can someone help me clone a site?

Can someone help me clone a complex website? Been trying to clone with wget but the files with html are not displaying I tried with wget and HTTrack, I want to get the files and the database which I ...
Profer Gener's user avatar
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io.Copy(conn, os.Stdin) do not work as expected

environment: Apple M3Pro go version: go1.23.1 darwin/arm64 golang client code : package main import ( "io" "log" "net" "os" ) //!+ func main() ...
rick's user avatar
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Windows Batch - I want to set the contents of every even-numbered file to the odd-numbered file before that

I've got a directory with subdirectories that contain files like: I'm trying to make every even numbered file contents the same as the odd numbered file before that. So far I got to this to delete ...
Defoq Nino's user avatar
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copy activity - copy files and different folders from one container to another container synapse pipeline

I have a container which inside has multiple files,subfolders and sub zip folders which have different files inside the folders like csv, xlsx . I wanted to copy all the files and folders from this ...
pythonCoder's user avatar
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Postgresql COPY inside another COPY FROM PROGRAM fires error

Here is a command to unzip & copy csv data to a GreenPlum cluster via it's segments: copy dds.entry from program 'gunzip < /data/adbdata/export/dds.entry.<SEGID>.csv.gz' delimiter ';' on ...
Globe's user avatar
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Copy a ContentControl from one table cell to another table cell in the same table in Word using VBA

I am trying to copy a ContentControl from a cell in a word table to another cell in the same word table. I know some Excel VBA, but very little Word VBA. The code below is supposed to copy the ...
Trent Jones's user avatar
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Make a copy of google sheet, rename new google sheet and save to a specific folder

I am very new to app script and I have found a few codes that either make a copy, rename or save in the correct location but I have not found one that does all three. Here is the code I found that ...
Moni's user avatar
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How to copy a file to the same directory in batch without prompting an overwrite or overwriting?

This is my first post here, and I'm a bit new to programming as a whole. I'm trying to make a command that copies a file to the same directory and have it make a duplicate of the file, like you would ...
MijiGamin1's user avatar
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Copy blob from one storage account to another using Azure Function written in Java

I am writing an Azure function in java to copy blobs between storage accounts within same tenant without first loading it into memory. I came across this post which suggested to use AzCopy to do that. ...
Sandy's user avatar
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C# : how to read/copy file and let other process read/write/delete the former file

Is there a way to copy file or its content and let other process write or delete the file while being read by my process? I use Filestream and StreamReader methods but even if I set the FileShare ...
Mimoa's user avatar
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Excel copied cell's dotted line highlight instantly disappeared failing to copy inside Citrix

Inside a Citrix session, User copies a cell in Excel 2016, the cell gets the dotted line highlight but gets disappeared suddenly. At this moment, if we check the clipboard, the content is there but if ...
Dran's user avatar
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copy assignment without swap

I'm trying to understand copy assignment in C++. I know it's best to use copy-and-swap idiom for this operator. But for this simple class without consider the Exception safety, when will *ps = *(;...
paul m's user avatar
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How to copy cells from excel to one long string

I tried to make some simple excel makro for copying id. nr. of our items to our company ERP system. I dont know how to copy data to one string, so ERP system can find all of items. My makro makes ...
Daniel Synek's user avatar
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Excel VBA copy Date into Cell Range, after pasting DataSet from another WB, but keeping the old data

I want to Copy a set of Data from another Workbook and my code copies it under the last set. Im Copying from Sheet "Übersciht" to Sheet "Daten". I want the date to be Pasted in ...
Sead Hotic's user avatar
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GNUCobol 3.2.0 Copybooks

I am working with GNUCobol cobc version 3.2.0 It seems that COPYBOOKS do not work during the compile step? The source code is going through the esqlOC precompiler first. I have these to lines COPY ...
David Wulkan's user avatar

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