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Powershell: How to copy, duplicate, or clone an object? [duplicate]

I'm banging my head against the wall. I have an issue where I'm dealing with objects created using the AWS Powershell Tools, specifically objects of type Amazon.Route53.Model.ResourceRecordSet and ...
Matthew McDonald's user avatar
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Copy One or Multiple Files with Powershell and Append DATE To the Front of the Filename

I created this script that works perfectly in ISE but fails with the below output when porting it into my command line tool. Here is the script. $source_folder = $args[0]; $destination_folder = $...
Todd's user avatar
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Copy new files from one folder to another folder automatically

I have a problem and don't know how to solve it myself. I haven't found anything on google either. I have a folder called Trace, in this folder several devices save their trace files. When the devices ...
Hagstuud 's user avatar
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Backup Script to copy only latest file per filetype from folder

I need a script to copy a set of filetypes (but just the most recent (Backup) file!) from a backup structure and delete older existing files in the destination. This is what I got, but I am stuck in ...
Usermd181's user avatar
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Powershell copy with wildcard

The following works fine. Copy-Item -Path C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\EA\MT4\EA_bot.ex4 -Destination C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\MetaQuotes\Terminal\0C2BFA140CA8FBEFEDCADDDEDD61AA24\...
Scott Bowden's user avatar
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Powershell- how to copy all files by extension type to the same folder?

I'm trying to iterate on an existing powershell script I have. The script I have requires all files I'm parsing through to be in the same folder. The issue, is the files are originally in different ...
Julian Delphiki's user avatar
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Powershell dies during "copy-item" when using rightclick->open with but is fine when opening the path manual in powershell

i got a powershell script that copies alot of files from a path with some filters. The very odd behaviour: When I open the powershell script using: Rightclick->run with powershell (or doubleclick) ...
Steini's user avatar
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Powershell - move files from subfolders to parent directory

I have a folder with a lot of folders in it. I want to be able to look in the folder that has been modified today - and only copy the files with a .txt extension. I want to move them up a level. So in ...
Henrik Rosqvist's user avatar
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Powershell to move N amount of files if target is empty only

I am attempting to slowly move files into a processing directory. I have a source directory with 700,000 files in it. I slowly want to move them over to a target directory 5,000 files at a time. I ...
user1879840's user avatar
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Get-ChildItem with Logging and Copy-Item in one command

Basically my goal is copy content of a folder to another folder with exclusion one name and also log everything what has been copied. I'm stock on logging Get-ChildItem command combined with Pipeline -...
MikeZetPL's user avatar
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Need to handle psql errors in powershell

I had a small issue with PowerShell and Postgres PSQL command. I'm loading a .CSV file into a postgres DB using Powershell and \COPY command. Everything works fine, but I identified a case where the ...
Locupus's user avatar
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Powershell recursively return paths but limit depth to 3

In PowerShell, how might one return a set of paths but limit the depth of the result to 3 Here is my folder structure... d:\testfiles\run\test01\success\build d:\testfiles\run\test01\success\result d:\...
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Powershell List Excel Files and Copy

I apologize for the naivety of this post, please forgive my newness. I have approximately 20,000 network files to filter through and copy certain ones to a local drive. File List Requirements: Excel ...
blimbert's user avatar
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Copy files from a text list and preserve folder structure

Textfile contains full path of each file, all these need to be copied while preserving folder structure C:\test2\sample2.jpg G:\test3\folder1\ C:\test6\fol der1 \sample77.iso D:\test3\...
net's user avatar
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Powershell Copy-Item copies the contents of a folder to an existing directory

I'm trying what I think is a simple folder copy but i'm getting stuck on this one. I need to copy contents of a folder to an existing Sharepoint directory Here are my tries $SharepointDirectory = '\\...
Antoine Delplanque's user avatar

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