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Powershell - Unzip all zipped files in a directory as well as rename them based on the parent file names

I have a folder and set of files like so: Root > Parent 1 > file 1 > > export.txt file 2 > > export.txt file 3 > > export.txt Parent 2 > ...
Pete's user avatar
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Powershell Copy and Rename Folder

I'm trying to copy one folder with every subfolder and files to another directory. Now what I want to do is rename the copied folder after a specific scheme. For example the folder is for the category ...
Lukas's user avatar
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PowerShell script to copy a file from a Mapped Network Drive to a Subfolder of the same mapped, network drive then add the date to the file name

I'm new to PowerShell and have read many of the similar questions. The answers seem way to complicated for what I want to do. I want to: Copy a file, testVerifyLog.xlsm Paste into a subfolder of the ...
Robyn Johnson's user avatar
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Unzip files and rename the contained file to the name of the original zip file

Currently, I am writing a script that moves PDF files that are wrongfully zipped to a certain folder. These files will then get unzipped and the contained files will get moved to a different folder. ...
Fnkraf's user avatar
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Rename file based on grand parent and parent directory and sequentially number multiple files

I have a files which are stored in the format C:\Users\xx\test powershell script\studyID\number\filenamedfolder\example.jpg The desired output is: studyID_number_1 #the final digit should be ...
JisL's user avatar
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Copy files renaming if already exists PowerShell

This script works to rename files while copying them if they are duplicates. I need to rename the current destination file first then copy the source file as is. Any ideas? function Copy-...
Brandon Tinder's user avatar
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Powershell copy and rename files

I'm trying to copy files from a source folder to a destination folder, and rename the files in the process. $Source = "C:\Source" $File01 = Get-ChildItem $Source | Where-Object {$ -like "File*"...
Roberto40's user avatar
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Remote file copy with powershell from multiple servers and rename

new to this community and new to powershell. I have been tasked to collate a file from each one of our files servers. I need to copy this file and then have it renamed to the name of the server it ...
michael vercoe's user avatar
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Powershell ISE - How do I copy many files and rename them at the same time?

I'm trying to use Powershell ISE to help me do the following: Perform a search for many files (with an extension of *props.tmpl) under a certain folder and to include all sub-directories. When found, ...
Steve's user avatar
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numerate new versions of a file copied into a folder

I have a file that is generated daily. It is generated with the filename dailyfile.dat. The file needs to be copied into a destination folder and numerated with a single digit that is one higher than ...
Mike's user avatar
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Copying multiple files into same directory while changing filename

I need to copy a series of files that look like foo.baz ... into the same director, but change the foo to moo. moo.baz ... But I'm not sure how I can copy and ...
David says Reinstate Monica's user avatar
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PowerShell - Duplicate file using a list txt of names

all! I am trying to solve the following issue using PowerShell. Basically, I have setup a file with the needed properties. Let's call it "FileA.xlsx". I have a text file which contains a list of ...
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