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IndexedDB getting flushed on Android webview with ungraceful shutdown

I have a cordova based Android application that runs web based content and used localstorage and indexedDB. I am encountering an issue where if the Android device is powered OFF and powered ON ...
danial's user avatar
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ionic - ios - ScanDependencias command failed while building

I'm trying to build my Ionic / Cordova app but getting this error: The following build commands failed: ScanDependencies /Users/myuser/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/myapp-...
anderlaini's user avatar
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Frame animation flickers on js (cordova)

I am writing an application in js using cordova. I have a frame animation that consists of 75 frames. I preload the frames and start creating the animation, my class is responsible for this: ...
Павел's user avatar
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Cordova Add Windows Platform

when trying to use 'cordova platform add windows' i get this error: Could not load API for windows project C:\Users\exampleUser\testproject\node_modules\windows Does anyone know how to fix this? (Btw ...
Nproductions's user avatar
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Cordova 12 Cordova-Android v13 Splash screen not showing

I've updated myCordova to version 12 and cordova-android platform to version 13 and suddenly the custom splash-screen I had added and was working just fine doesn't show anymore. I just get the default ...
Salvatore's user avatar
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Cordova Android build fails with "Unsupported class file major version 66"

I created a simple Cordova project. I installed Cordova using npm install -g cordova and created my app using cordova create test-project. I changed no configs or anything, just added an h1 in the ...
axolotlKing0722's user avatar
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OKTA implementation IONIC 3 Angular 5 without plugin and node package

facing issue in angular OIDC and @okta/okta-auth-js version version compatibility issue If you need to implement OKTA authentication in an Ionic 3 Angular 5 application without using the OKTA ...
Prabu Bai's user avatar
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Why is dictation not working in a WKWebView field?

I have an iOS application hosting a WKWebView. Dictation is required on text fields, however the microphone keyboard accessory to start dictation is not appearing. For ordinary iOS applications ...
Jasper Blues's user avatar
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Xcode Splash Screen Transition to App login page visual problems

We've recently updated from cordova-ios version 6 -> 7 and since then we've had issues with The splash image on the app looking weird. We do generate assets that get populated into the story board ...
Michael Wilson's user avatar
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Skip or Change Default Cordova Icon from loading screen or splash screen

I’m using “Cordova 12.0.0 ([email protected])”. In this version after running app, a loading screen or splash screen with cordova default icon shows every time. Now I want to avoid or skip this page ...
Sanjid Mishu's user avatar
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Set Xcode project Versioning System from the command line

I currently have a project using CircleCI and Fastlane. It is a Cordova mobile project that I want to automate the build number incrementing from Fastlane using increment_build_number( build_number: ...
C. Short's user avatar
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"In MSAL, after logging in, I am getting a pop-up that says: 'Set up your device to get access [closed]

We have Integrated MSAL to Ionic1 cordova with angular app, only one user experiencing Set up your device to get access application Issue after successful login enter image description here I don't ...
user25262610's user avatar
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ionic cordova and angular project ng-If not working

Project specs: Ionic Cordova Ionic 7 Angular 18.0.3 *ngIf not working. page.html <ion-segment [(ngModel)]="segment" (ionChange)="typeChange($event)"> <ion-segment-...
Anant Patel's user avatar
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gradle/cordova conflicts with adb?

On Ubuntu, adb devices rarely works. I typically have to unplug device, kill adb server, restart adb server, revoke auths on device, play around with it 500 times and eventually my device shows up. I ...
Caleb Pitman's user avatar
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cordova.platformId returning as "browser" on android

I'm trying to write some mobile specific code in my cordova android app. My content src is an index.html where I have my JS code. When I check cordova.platformId, it returns "browser", even ...
turtlesky's user avatar

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