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iOS Facebook permissions not showing to the user

I'm trying to get some facebook user's permissions but not all of them are listed to the user to grant/decline. Using the FBLoginButton and setting the permissions to: - email - pages_show_list - ...
georgeapostu's user avatar
3 votes
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Is facebook discontinued automatic fb_mobile_purchase (Purchase event) and started to log Start trial and Subscribe?

facebook-ios-sdk: 17.0.0 we have enable log in-app events automatically We rely on the Purchase event (also known as fb_mobile_purchase) for the outcome/result to our campaigns and we noticed that ...
Sabin Hantu's user avatar
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How to Track React Native App Installations Using Facebook Conversion API?

I’m working on a React Native app and want to track app installations using Facebook’s Conversion API. I’ve set up Facebook’s SDK in my app, but I’m having trouble integrating the Conversion API. Here’...
tharwi's user avatar
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Can't find Settings.shared in Settings.shared.isAdvertiserTrackingEnabled

when I set Settings.shared.isAdvertiserTrackingEnabled = true using the Facebook IOS SDK I get the error Settings has no member "shared" Here's my POD file: pod 'FBSDKCoreKit', '~> 8.0.0'...
Chris Hansen's user avatar
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Event Parameters Blocked in Stock Facebook iOS SDK Install

I'm seeing an 'event parameters blocked' diagnostic message in events manager after installing the Facebook iOS SDK in my mobile app. The system thinks this event holds personal data — ("You can'...
Dan Halliday's user avatar
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When clicking on a facebook post, sometimes I receive fb deeplink and sometimes the universal link of my app

Since recently, Universal links were working well with our app but recently for some users while clicking on a facebook post we receive via func scene(_ scene: UIScene, openURLContexts URLContexts: ...
Alex Ad's user avatar
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Why does FB SDK login with permissions gives UI issue? Like, buttons hide

My app allow users to integrate their FB account and users can manage their pages. But when user try to connect and login modal opens by facebook. Then the continuer button at the bottom hides. Using &...
Sufian Ahmad's user avatar
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Error: The operation could not be completed. (Could not make graph API request error -1)

I am trying add Facebook login feature to my swiftUi app. But getting the following error when I download it from testFlight and installed it on a real device. When I am trying to check it on ...
Minhaj Ahmed's user avatar
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Facebook Limited Login on iOS doesn't work for production users

Firstly, it's been a while since I've published a Facebook app to support Facebook Login and I'm not sure whether the status Published is the same as Live, can anyone confirm that? I recently updated ...
e_pie's user avatar
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Facebook iOS SDK v17.0 error: If you are not using Limited Login, you will need to handle all Graph API calls using Graph API

We have been using Facebook login in our app since forever and this has always worked well. We have upgraded to the SDK v.17 and have changed the code to use limited login into our app. When we open ...
Bocaxica's user avatar
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Xcode build error from commandline, works fine from IDE

i keep getting below errors when i try creating build using Fastlane. Build from Xcode works fine, I keep getting below errors not all together but randomly. I am using SPM and below are versions ...
ashishn's user avatar
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IOS SDK Updated - However META Developers platform doesn't recognize the update

We have updated since February 2024, the META SDKs for both Android & IOS, however META Developers platform doesn't recognize the updated IOS Version, while for Android looks updated. From META ...
Nikos Drivas's user avatar
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Facebook ads for mobile iOS and Android application conversion tracking

I have a mobile app and I want to add facebook conversion tracking. I already installed the facebook sdk for both iOS and Android. I do not understand from the documentation, do I need to add pixel? ...
flora54's user avatar
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Share photos and link using FBSDKShareKit on IOS

I am using FBSDKShareKit to share link and images on Facebook. When I share only photos it works fine, but when I share a link and photos at the same time it can only share the link, not the photos. ...
tú nguyễn's user avatar
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Facebook Business Manager not claiming installs which is leading to AppsFlyer not being attributing to them

I linked Meta with AppsFlyer and seeing no conversions on AppsFlyer side. Their support checked everything and said the following: Unfortunately, if Facebook does not claim installs we cannot ...
Jagrut Sharma's user avatar

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