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New Google place api using google OAuth, ask failed to refresh token

I have a Express.js backend, and i want to use Google new place API, so I need to to auth throw Oauth, the issue after a certain amount of time around one day I need to reauthorize the app, I get this ...
yassir agh's user avatar
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Google OAuth pop-up disappears

I have developed a web auth application using Google OAuth. it was okay when i was developing it. but after hosting it when click on the continue with google button the google sign in pop up appears ...
Vinod Mendis's user avatar
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token from Google Auth not matching otplib authenticator.verify function

I'm trying to get 2fa to work on a backend project. I have a function that created and store the secret: import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common'; import { authenticator } from 'otplib'; import { ...
Eliabe's user avatar
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Is storagerelay in the Redirect URL a Bug in Google OAuth2 Login?

When using Google for OAuth2 login, I found that the JavaScript library adds the storagerelay field to the redirect URL in popup mode. For example, if I set http:...
tupss cotary's user avatar
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Login with google and streamlit

I am doing a login with google oauth and streamlit, where at login time it works correctly along with the log out, but when I refresh the page it logs me out. This is the import asyncio ...
ElCantiner0's user avatar
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CredentialManager androidx.credentials.exceptions.NoCredentialException: No credentials available when using child's device managed by Family Link

I am implementing Google Sign In with Firebase Authentication through the use of Credential Manager. Below is my implementation: suspend fun signIn(): AuthResult? { val credentialManager = ...
user14678216's user avatar
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How to debug error 401/403 for Google Calendar API?

{ "error": { "code": 403, "message": "Method doesn't allow unregistered callers (callers without established identity). Please use API Key or other form of ...
Jadon Leung's user avatar
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clerk createdSessionId is an empty string when using google auth in an expo app

I'm trying to use Google AUTH using Clerk, When clicking on the button the Google sign in page successfully opens, and I can choose an account to sign in with, but on the redirect the createdSessionId ...
Ahmed Salah's user avatar
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GMAIL imap access with OAuth2 and service account

I have the following scenario: A server that runs a scheduled service reading a mailbox to handle attached files in new mails Its on a gmail account Until now this worked with App Passwords (which ...
Jens Popp's user avatar
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Appwrite Auth's Users vs. Collection

I developed a Vite ReactJS web application where users log in using Google OAuth 2.0. Upon logging in, I retrieve the user's email and given_name and store it in the users collection in Appwrite. ...
rd Cazu's user avatar
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Adding Oauth 2.0 to Google Fact Check Tools API

I have a simple Python code to search through Fact Check claims using the Google Fact Check Tools API. I have updated the code to include OAuth flow and here is my code: import requests import google....
Basith's user avatar
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google tasks API "Error fetching tasks: Error: Failed to fetch tasks: 401 Unauthorized"

I'm trying to build a simple tasks web app where users can login with their google accounts and access google tasks via the API. It's basically for my own use where I want to add an advanced search ...
Sln's user avatar
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Flask Google sing in - protected routes still accessible after logout

I'm working on a Flask project, where I have implemented Google sign in option using authlib and also using Flask SocketIO to send and recieve data from server to browser and from browser to server ...
Abdul Rehman's user avatar
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"Something went wrong" after adding scope for Google OAuth

When I try to add a scope that has an API, I get "Google hasn't verified the app", which is expected because I have it set as testing, but when I click on "continue", I get "...
Ch33zig's user avatar
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How do I check is there is logged in accounts on the phone?

I have a problem with Google Auth. If the user has signed in Gmail account on the phone I want to open a Credential Manager so that the user could choose an account he wants to use to authenticate in ...
Alex20280's user avatar
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