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Streamlit (python) App button issue: Showing Previous Number After Button Click Instead of New Random Number

I'm building a simple Streamlit app as a demonstration of a larger project I'm working on. The goal is to display a random number between 0-100 and let the user select whether they "like" ...
mas's user avatar
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Why can't I configure aggrid column with URL in streamlit?

I'm trying to customize some grid options and encountering an attribute error when attempting to set a column as a URL link. I'm using streamlit 1.38.0 and streamlit-aggrid 1.0.5. import streamlit as ...
UwU XD's user avatar
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Unable to concatenate dataframes in streamlit

I am trying to concatenate all the dataframes which are starting with user_ string in the streamlit but have been getting error. sample code: import streamlit as st import pandas as pd st....
ViSa's user avatar
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setting consistent column type for streamlit tables

I need to append rows of a serialized subclass of BaseModel and display in streamlit. The problem is that some fields are Optional and sometimes are missing. When they are missing, the column type ...
Dima Lituiev's user avatar
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Streamlit's Drag and Drop with OpenCV doesn't work

I got code and browse the file. The programm should show the original video and OpenCV video. But it says that file not found. It must rewrite video and use with OpenCV. But it cannot find the ...
Griffith's user avatar
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Understanding Session State and Control Flow in Streamlit Chatbot App

Github Code link Link above is a GitHub code of chatbot app using streamlit. Although it works fine, I have few questions regarding Streamlit. What is the purpose of ‘if 'messages' not in st....
DLo9's user avatar
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Streamlit: AI Response Only Displays After Timer Timeout, Not on Button Click

I'm building a Streamlit app that interacts with YouTube videos using pytube to fetch audio and transcribe it. The problem I'm encountering is that the AI response (transcription result) is displayed ...
user1288617's user avatar
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How to implement Snowflake streams in Snowflake native app

I am trying to implement a stream in Snowflake native app to the CDC on the consumer's table, which I got it with reference variable from manifest.yml file. I am trying to create a stream as follows: ...
Sai Srujan's user avatar
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While executing Insert Statement in Snowflake getting error

I was doing Badge 3 in snowflake university and getting error. ESS-DABW Badge 3: Data Application Builders Workshop: Lesson 5: Pending Orders App Improvements 🥋 Perfecting the ORDERS Table ...
Abhishek Kumar's user avatar
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Getting Error: 400 when deploying on Streamlit

I am trying to make a website using python and streamlit which can convert Youtube video link to Audio file and user can download it. The code is running fine on localhost but when I am deploying it I ...
Tejas18's user avatar
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plotly drill down a stacked-bar chart

I have a stacked bar chart which has class 10,11 12 in x axis and count of students in y axis . in each bar count of male and female students are stacked . i have another categorical column "Stay&...
Arjun Balaji's user avatar
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Streamlit app - make API call only once per day?

I have a Streamlit app I’m working on now that tells me which bands are playing tonight in my city. You can find it at musicinseattle. To get the information, the app has a module that makes a few ...
Chris Downing's user avatar
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How to use st.file_uploader() returned object to parse pdf through LlamaParse() in python streamlit?

I am trying to upload a PDF using st.file_uploader() from streamlit and then parse it using LlamaParse() currently running on localhost. Issue is I am getting [] in output which is probably happening ...
ViSa's user avatar
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Login with google and streamlit

I am doing a login with google oauth and streamlit, where at login time it works correctly along with the log out, but when I refresh the page it logs me out. This is the import asyncio ...
ElCantiner0's user avatar
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Why python scheduler library shows an error while calling every() function?

I'm getting an error while running this code. it shows that schedule library does not have a function called every(). I have tried to resolve the issue by upgrading the schedule library, but still ...
Sebastian Jose's user avatar

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