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Having an expandable legend item

I'm having trouble finding anything related to that so I'm trying to get some insights here. Is there a way to build a graph (any graph, but let's take a bar graph as an example) in way where part of ...
Zohar Zaig's user avatar
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AngularJS + Highcharts - Can't update series data

I'm slightly losing my mind trying to figure out why this won't work, I'm trying to update a series in a highcharts scatter table using data retrieved from a MySQL server. I can update the name of the ...
JavaStudent's user avatar
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Highcharts chart re-render

I am using Highcharts to display a series of data in a form of chart. I am displaying the data into three chart formats - Area chart, Line chart and Bar chart. Defaulty the page will load to Area ...
Aakash Pawan G P S's user avatar
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Highchart proportion is wrong when I use yaxis type is "logarithmic"

I'm using highchart in angularjs app. I'm using Highcharts JS v7.2.1 (2019-10-31). When I use "type:'logarithmic'" for yaxis it will render wrong proportion bars. Without that "...
user3073861's user avatar
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Get percentage value of pie chart on page reload Highcharts API

I am using pie chart in Angularjs and data is displaying correctly. I needed the percentage of each value covering in the pie chart and I got it by: tooltip: { valueDecimals: 0,...
Hello World's user avatar
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Highchart: To display percent on each and every column of Column chart

How to set different colors to different datalabels of all columns in this bar chart. In this code , I just set with orange color for all data labels in this chart. How can apply different colors to ...
Ramesh's user avatar
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Angular.js: Highchart click event not updating the data in table

I have a bar chart, where When I click on a bar in the chart, it should display the corresponding result in a table data list(in my case appList). Currently this is not happening. When I click on a ...
sm_dev2's user avatar
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performance lag with highstock when loading data during panning

We are displaying a highstock chart in our service where we are showing some dense data (multiple values per second possible). To avoid loading too much data for big timeranges we integrated an ...
felixDev's user avatar
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How to increase the size of the Performance Analytics widget in Service Now?

I am new to ServiceNow Portal and trying to increase the size of the Gauge in the Performance Analytics widget. The top two gauges are from Report widget. It looks fit with the column. But the bottom ...
ub_303's user avatar
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How to change color of shaded area in highcharts

I want same color of line and area of a time series chart in highcharts. I am attaching the link of jsfiddle here the shaded area and line color of chart is blue but i want with this hex code #70843A. ...
NIHAL KUMAR's user avatar
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save chart button of stock tool chart not working in highcharts

On clicking save charts button of stock tool chart nothing happens. How does it work? This is my chart config this.trendChart.update({ series: { showInNavigator: true, ...
Rebecca's user avatar
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Dynamically add an average line in highchart in angular

How can I add a line showing average of any plotted graphs in highcharts' stochchart. Image - average line Any way to add this in angular?
Rebecca's user avatar
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To store date after using afterSetExtremes of Highcharts.stock

How can I store dates after using afterSetExtremes of Highcharts.stock. xAxis:{ events: { afterSetExtremes:function(event){ console.log('---- Date from Chart Object ...
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Is there a way to add borderRadius for pyramid highcharts

I need to create a pyramid chart with some radius. I am using high charts with angular js for creating a pyramid chart but not able to add border-radius. Need some suggestion on this. Thanks in ...
Lalitha Noothigattu's user avatar
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How to draw the below chart using highchart?

Please help me with how can we draw the below chart using highchart.
Satyanarayana's user avatar

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