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Highchart vertical and horizontal scrollbar

I have dependency information that I would like to show on a web page using Highcharts. I chose Treegraph chart as I think it's more suitable for what I need it for. This is the link to a demo https://...
Jelal's user avatar
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highcharts in react customization with plotlines and custom marker only on new data point

I am using highcharts and highcharts-react-official to create chart for eth Realtime price. I also show user currentround details that i am getting in startedRoundData from partent component and it ...
kashan ilyas's user avatar
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How to hide additional horizontal lines from highchart chart

2 additional lines were showing when I set alignTicks: false in y axis config. I have added that to limit y axis percentage to 100%. minPadding & maxPadding is not workng for limiting y axis ...
suhas kurade's user avatar
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Issue using highchart with vite plugin federation in reactjs

I'm not able to use highcharts with vite plugin federation in reactjs for micro front end. Error in chrome console is Error: Element type is invalid: expected a string (for built-in components) or a ...
T. Kong's user avatar
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Configuring the Highcharts Library slider (stocks)

I have a stock chart of the Highcharts library. How to adjust the position of the right and left slider in the picture. I need that when I click on the "now" button, the left slider moves to ...
Alexandra's user avatar
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Why would points render in a Highcharts Stock chart when changing range selection?

Question: why would points appear on a Stock chart in Highcharts instead of just plot lines? I'm playing with the Stock chart module in Highcharts in a Dashboard and I noticed that when I expand or ...
Neil C. Obremski's user avatar
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In v8 of highcharts implemented multiple highcharts in a single view but not working in the upgraded version GetHighchartsJS

How to replace @Html.Highsoft().GetHighchartsJS(chart, "Grid"+i); in the latest version of highcharts as this is not supported anymore. chart.ID = "Grid" + i; var ...
Anju Raman's user avatar
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DataLabel formatter shows label multiple times on columnrange bars

I want to show "X" on bars on their mean on a columnrange highchart. If the inverted is "true", my logic works just fine. But, if it's false it shows "X" two times on the ...
Mehdi Raza's user avatar
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How to add thresholds with specific ranges to a Highcharts graph?

I’m working on a Highcharts line chart where I need to add thresholds with specific ranges on the x-axis. I want certain areas of the chart to be colored based on these thresholds, Here are the ...
Boubaker Takwa's user avatar
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Highcharts organization chart sibling node

I am playing with this demo And trying to add a sibling to for instance the CEO node. What I'd like is basically a line out from the right ...
Zachu's user avatar
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Highcharts ChartEvents not working when configured from C# after upgrade to latest version

Chartevents - load not trigerring in Highcharts. chart.Chart = new Highsoft.Web.Mvc.Charts.Chart { Events = new ChartEvents { Load = "initChart", ...
Anju Raman's user avatar
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"Violation - message handler took xxms" when rendering multiple Highcharts on the same page

I am using Next.js 14 along with Highcharts to render multiple charts on the same page. Depending on the page, I may have between 3 to 5 charts displayed simultaneously. Although the data sets for the ...
Agathe Soubiran's user avatar
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Problem with creating Highcharts chart instance using .NET Core library after upgrade from 11.4.1 to

I am getting a null object error (nothing more specific unfortunately) when creating the chart below using the .NET Core library: var chart = new Highcharts { ID = $"chart_{categoryGuid....
ProfNimrod's user avatar
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How to prevent the columns to stretch up to the size of the whole chart if less data is provided?

I dont display static data and as such the size of the data varies. I show data for each month (xAxis) and year (yAxis). When the data only fills one row (lets say I have January-December) for only ...
Julia's user avatar
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Highcharts pareto charts showing more than 100% on y-axis

I am using highchart pareto chart. on right y-axis I want to show cumulative number. In my input data it would never be more than 100%. However highcharts is showing more values. Following is the ...
Atul Sureka's user avatar
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