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Highcharts data filter Conigniter

I created a highchart to view issued data in a MySQL table. Then I want to filter those issued data itemwise on the chart. I used the following code to do that: Controller (Chart_issue.php) <?php ...
MCIT Trends's user avatar
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Load data from database to set highchart X-axis with php json data

new to this and (almost) desperate. in below code i want to set $rows1['date'][] = $data['tanggal']; data as X-Axis in highchart : $(function () { var chart; $(document).ready(function() { ...
Identic 7's user avatar
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highchart graph with mysql php

i tried to build my first highchart graph but it doesn't work corretly . all data are on the same point but not on a line.Can you help me to understant where is the mistake ? <pre> <php ...
Jérôme's user avatar
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Filter Data before Rendering Highcharts

I have a Highcharts Gantt chart which is pulling parsed JSON data from a MySQL table. The data spans 4 years, but I need to filter it so that it only shows data for 2022. The issue is that I cannot ...
user2237247's user avatar
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Highcharts MySQL Data Filtering

I used the following code to generate a chart using highchat JS for stock management event. HTML <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <...
MCIT Trends's user avatar
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Highcharts Solid Gauge With PHP Data

Solid Gauge is to be displayed for each humidity value that I call from MySql. I don't know what else to attempt now that I've been struggling for days. It doesn't work in any way, can you please try ...
melike köse's user avatar
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Highstock date and time wrong

Newbie here. Trying to sort my date and time in the following code. The graph from my code works fine but its showing Thursday Jan 1 to Thursday Jan 1 It should be showing ...
james Pattinson's user avatar
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how to COUNT explode imploding data with comma? [duplicate]

I want to count the number of mechanics in a chart, but some data has multiple data which I use with implode (comma). how to separate data? I'm taking data from one of my tables, where a column has a ...
vivie's user avatar
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Make a pie chart with tymeleaf highcharts spring mvc java

I want to create a pie chart with a dynamic data in highcharts i really need your help i wanna make a pie chart that counts the gender here is my code im really stuck there ...............................
haifa's user avatar
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How to dynamically upload data into activity gauge?

how can I pass this table values to the activity gauges' data? I am new to using highcharts.js. I'm generating a table from database where I have 2 columns: wind, value: 70 and speed, value: 80. These ...
Shimu's user avatar
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Highcharts - Adding a suffix to a tooltip in a multi-series chart

once again I apologise for my naivety. I would now like to add a suffix to my tooltip to indicate % humidity and °C for temperature. the result I derived from ppotaczek (thanks) with a few small ...
HuggieDuggie's user avatar
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Produce highcharts multiple line chart from JSON / MySQL data

Firstly I apologise, I am not a programmer (but I am learning - slowly). I am interested in graphs for Horticultural applications. I have a database that gets data from sensors on an hourly basis and ...
HuggieDuggie's user avatar
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How To generate json format from model in codeigniter to Highchart

I Have database [![enter image description here][1]][1] [1]: ; how can I display the json data format such as the highcharts drilldown example like this { ...
Feri 's user avatar
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How To generate json format from model in codeigniter

I Have Database : enter image description here how to query mysql in codeigniter model so that it can output json data like this : enter code here</script"> $.ajax({ url: '?grid=true&...
Feri 's user avatar
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Highcharts / JavaScript month is incompatible with MySQL

I'm trying to dry the walls of my basement. For this, I have two Hydrometers (one is on the inside of the basements, one is one the outside). Related to these values, I am switching on a vent which ...
Bastian's user avatar
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