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How to replace pakage path easily?

Project/ ├── a/ │ ├── core/ │ │ └── com.blabla.hi.sofbs │ └── api/ │ └── com.blabla.hi.sofbs └── b/ ├── core/ │ └── com.blabla.hi.sofbq └── api/ └── com.blabla.hi....
IPECTER 이팩터's user avatar
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Why is String template not available

I updated my JDK to JDK 23 and now get a weak warning for any String concatenations like System.out.print("The capital city of " + index + " is "); saying I should use a String ...
Andruid929's user avatar
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Which java formatting intelliJ settings use when we have .editorconfig

I have .editorconfig in my Java project. But I know I cannot block the commit without styling according to it there is no Maven plugin for this check here. If you know any plugin pls tell me. The ...
ever alian's user avatar
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IntelliJ display execution time of each line

It would be incredibly useful if there was a function in IntelliJ that would display the last execution time for each line in the editor. For example, if I run the program in debug mode, each time a ...
Bobin's user avatar
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How to run and debug WSO2 API Manager source code in IntelliJ IDEA?

I would like to contribute to the development of WSO2 API Manager by working on some issues. However, I am facing challenges in setting up the project to run and debug the source code in IntelliJ IDEA....
vivek kumar's user avatar
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Kotlin: IntelliJ uses "import java.util.*" despite attempting to turn it off

IntelliJ constantly inserts a * import despite all efforts to turn it off. import java.util.* fun String.toUUID(): UUID = UUID.fromString(this)
Kurt's user avatar
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Getting IntelliJ to generate Java Sources from Proto files

On my Mac I have libprotoc 27.3 (Protocol Buffers (Protobuf)) installed locally and I am trying to get it to "play nice" with my Java 17 app inside of IntelliJ. My Java app has the following ...
IamYourFaja's user avatar
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IntelliJ - Color Schema partially ignored

I have an issue with IntelliJ IDEA 2024.1 (Ultimate Edition). The color scheme that I composed is not completely applied. It was working fine in 2023.2.5 (Ultimate Edition) and i use the same settings ...
huartgi's user avatar
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IntelliJ IDEA Bazel Test: How to stop optimizing out variables while at a breakpoint in the debugger?

When debugging our Kotlin code while running a test, hitting a breakpoint shows some values get optimized out if they are not called further down in the scope. While ideal for complied code, this is a ...
kmfsousa's user avatar
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Intellij IDEA console logs output lines are reduced in one project window, but full in another

I have two projects open in one Intellij IDEA window each and during tests or run the logs for one project window are like so: 2024-09-11 07:35:02.892 INFO 47728 --- [main]
lotario's user avatar
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Why does IntelliJ with Cloud Code no longer deploy to App Engine?

Why did IntelliJ with Cloud Code just stop deploying to Google App Engine? It worked fine until this past week. Nothing changed in my dev environment. Now when I try to deploy this appears and ...
Mike Dee's user avatar
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Dot operator not clickable and lightbulb icon appearing in IntelliJ

I'm currently working on a Java Spring project and trying to add elements to a List<String> using the .add() method. However, when I type the dot (.) after declaring my list, IntelliJ doesn't ...
d1vyanshu_Nayak's user avatar
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Test coverage is lower when using Lombok @Builder

I have an issue with the test coverage with the Lombok's @Builder annotation. I have a Java class annotated with Lombok's @Data, @AllArgsConstructor and @NoArgsConstructor: import lombok.Data; import ...
Julien Kronegg's user avatar
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How to prevent certain IntelliJ IDEA tool windows from closing from Shift-Esc?

I like to use Shift-ESC to close some of the transient popup tool windows/panes such as run/debug output or find search results. I also have a permanent left-hand side panel split with File and ...
scipilot's user avatar
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Liferay IntelliJ plugin exception (v2.1.0)

I'm currently working with Community Edition 2024.2.1; don't know if the same thing happens with other versions or not, but still. Here's the error log from IntelliJ: com.intellij.diagnostic....
haiku's user avatar
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