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In maven dependency folder, dependencies are not loading showing [without test code]

I am working on Spring application, upgrading from java 8 (spring boot version 2.6.7) to java 17(spring boot 3.2.6) , I have two projects , project A dependent on project B ,As jars of project B ...
Rohan Sabale's user avatar
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How to Migrate from Java 11 to 17 for a plugin with jars in classpath and packages are exported

We have a plugin named mockito and it has cglib-nodep-2.2.2.jar, hamcrest-core-1.3.jar, mockito-core-1.10.19.jar, objenesis-2.4.jar, jmockit-1.49.jar in it's bundle-classpath and have exported all the ...
Paul-E's user avatar
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javax.smartcardio cannot be resolved after updating Maven project to Java 17

I recently updated my Maven project from Java 8 to Java 17. After the update, I encountered an issue where Eclipse cannot resolve javax.smartcardio.* imports in my project. I found a workaround by ...
Sajed Hamdan's user avatar
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The package org.apache.jena does not exist

I'm trying to query RDF data from an RDF file using SPARQL CONSTRUCT queries in Eclipse IDE. I try to import this: import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.*; in Eclipse I get the error: The package org....
RIHI MERYAME's user avatar
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How to run pom.xml inside eclipse on jdk 17 and can I change jdk 17 to jdk 11 inside eclipse

I am using maven 3.9.3 and jdk 17 in eclipse (see 3 imgsenter image description hereenter image description here)enter image description hereenter image description here But now I am changed from jdk ...
samir 's user avatar
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JavaFX & Maven: NSException

I created a new project using the Eclipse wizard for a new Maven project. Here is the primary class: package org.openjfx.fxhello; import javafx.application.Application; import javafx.scene.Scene; ...
Frank Harris's user avatar
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Updating Java version from 8 to 17 on Eclipse 4.7 (Oxygen)

In my previous question I was suggested to update the Java version from 8 to 17 (or later). I was given a 2017 Eclipse version (Oxygen, 4.7.0) as you can see below: Currently Eclipse is using JavaSE-...
tail's user avatar
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Eclipse executable launcher error: Exported Product is Unable to locate companion shared library

I have an Eclipse RCP Aplication, that was created using eclipse 3.7. Now I'using last version on eclipse. For the record, I don't convert the app to E4, I just modify some lines, and it works. Also I'...
Nicolas400's user avatar
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JDK 17 accessExternalSchema issue in Eclipse RCP

In Eclipse RCP I have a plugin that has dependencies of a jar. In this jar, inside a package called "xsd" there are some .xsd files. ( In the same jar there ...
Marco Maisano's user avatar
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OSGI equinox Servlet.init() for servlet .equinoxbridgeservlet. threw exception for Java 17

I have a web application that has been tested successfully with Java 8 and Java 11, but when I try to start the Tomcat server with Java 17, it throws an exception during the initial stage of the init()...
hotcoder's user avatar
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javax.smartcardio* not recognized in java17 in eclipse in a non module project

I am facing the problem in eclipse while migrating a project from java8 to java17 which uses javax.smartcardio. I have build error saying "CardTerminal cannot be resolved to a type" as the ...
user3921780's user avatar
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Eclipse 2023-09, Java 17 and xhtml content assist not working

I am running Eclipse 2023-09 (4.29.0), Java 17 (Amazon Corretto 17.0.8_8) and have noticed that content assist we had available when using Java 11 on our xhtml pages no longer seems to be working. We ...
MrChris's user avatar
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@Nullable annotation cannot be applied here

Eclipse shows this as a Java problem: Annotation types that do not specify explicit target element types cannot be applied here. This only happened when I upgraded from Eclipse 2022-09 to 2023-09. ...
Daniele Repici's user avatar
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JVM terminated. Exit code=127

I updated CentOS 7 with jdk-17.0.5 and for java 17 support I also downloaded latest sts-4.19.1. When I open STS, it shows the error in the screenshot below. The latest version of STS should run on ...
Tejas Shah's user avatar
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JAVA 17 : Pattern matching subtype

I'm using Java 17, the last line shouldnt compile, but when i'm using eclipse it does compile, now i'm confused should the value be a subtype or it can be anything? Double value = 123.3; if(value ...
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