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In maven dependency folder, dependencies are not loading showing [without test code]

I am working on Spring application, upgrading from java 8 (spring boot version 2.6.7) to java 17(spring boot 3.2.6) , I have two projects , project A dependent on project B ,As jars of project B ...
Rohan Sabale's user avatar
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how to resolve WebSocket connection issue error code 1006 On GCP?

I am facing web socket disconnection problem with 1006 on production environment. I unable to find the exact problem. We tested without firewall restriction on GCP , that also not working as expected. ...
Ajith Deivam's user avatar
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DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-104, SQLSTATE=42601, SQLERRMC=);.LAST_NAME) in((?,?,?);<is_not_null_token>, DRIVER=4.25.13

I am working on migrating the spring boot app to 3.X ,and facing facing issue while instering record in DB2. @Data @Entity @Table(name = "emp") public class Emp(){ @EmbeddedId private ...
andrew's user avatar
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Zookeeper unimplemented error after upgrading to jdk 17

Objective I am trying to migrate my application from jdk 11 to 17. Issue After migrating to jdk17, i got the error mentioned here (Unable to canonicalize address error) - Zookeeper connection error. ...
Aakash Naik's user avatar
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Spring boot 3.2.5 and Java 17 and cloud foundry environment Mixing rest template and web client in microservices duplicate calls made by rest template

Spring boot version 3.2.5 and Java 17 I have one service say address service which has webclient builder bean which is used to call many different services hosted in same cloud environment say account,...
senthilnathan's user avatar
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Spring Boot pagination with @ManyToMany relationship by the child table

I have the following model: @Entity @Builder @Data @NoArgsConstructor @AllArgsConstructor @Table(name = "forecast") public class ForecastModel implements Serializable { @Serial private ...
Philippe Gioseffi's user avatar
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Cannot Resolve SPEL with asperand in Spring boot 3 + JUnit 5 in integration test

My ETL works flow like this Given SpringBoot 3.3.3 Maven 3.9.x JDK 17 Intentionally Remove Tomcat-embedded (for specified purpose) pom.xml <!--No maven-surefire-plugin was set--> application....
user1638172's user avatar
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how to extract the interceptors from a spring boot Restclient

I have a Restclient with 4 interceptors attached to it return restClientBuilder .requestFactory(requestFactory()) .requestInterceptors(interceptors -> interceptors.addAll( ...
Goozo's user avatar
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In Java 17 what is the difference between the section Class and Metaspace in the output of jcmd VM.native_memory

The output of jcmd <pid> VM.native_memory shows a Class and Metaspace section like below Class (reserved=1053604KB, committed=39012KB) (classes #46737) ( instance classes #44474, array ...
tuk's user avatar
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What is needed for the incremental build of my Gradle Java project to function?

I don't have much experience building Java apps, but I was able to migrate one of our other apps from batch scripts to Gradle (with functional incremental builds) which taught me what I currently know....
dirtyllama13's user avatar
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SSL(TCPS) connectivity on OracleDB using springBoot

Im trying to connect to oracle rds from a spring boot application. I want to connect to db over tcps. When trying im getting the below error: Failed to create/setup connection: IO Error: IO Error PKIX ...
Ajin's user avatar
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Not found or load when run test with Gradle

I have a project API REST with Java 17, Spring Boot 3.3.0 and Gradle 8.9. This project run without problems but when I try to run the test with the command ./gradlew test or with IDE and I get this ...
ivanchoh99's user avatar
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Factory method 'dataSource' threw exception with message: Unknown database type Springboot 3.3.3

I am upgrading a legacy app from java 8 springboot 1.5.x to java 17 springboot 3.3.3. I was able to sort out things except setting up datasource. The app connects to oracle 19c. I still have couple of ...
john Raja's user avatar
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Upgrading org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.swagger.Swagger2Feature to user jakarta

I am upgrading an old java service to java 17 and I noticed that it uses org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.swagger.Swagger2Feature in version 3.6.4. The problem with this is that the class Swagger2Feature uses ...
carlos palma's user avatar
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Google App Engine Java 17 - Can't set JAVA_OPTS

When I start my Google App Engine app based on Java 17 via Maven I get the next error: [INFO] GCLOUD: java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make protected final java.lang.Class java....
Vova's user avatar
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