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What version of docx4j is required for jdk11 and jdk17?

I am still using older version of docx4j ( which is causing slowness in font mapping and hash. While I have migrated to jdk11 and will shortly be moving to jdk17. Haven't tried anything yet ...
Aditya deopurkar's user avatar
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documents4j with Java 17

Currently documents4j is built with Java 11, which will be soon end of support (by Oracle the standard support already ends, by SAP it will be end 2024). My questions are: Has documents4j plan to ...
user25604553's user avatar
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How to run pom.xml inside eclipse on jdk 17 and can I change jdk 17 to jdk 11 inside eclipse

I am using maven 3.9.3 and jdk 17 in eclipse (see 3 imgsenter image description hereenter image description here)enter image description hereenter image description here But now I am changed from jdk ...
samir 's user avatar
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Fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION

I'm currently building an android app and I got this error when building it. Recently, I've shrink my windows partition to add storage to another ubuntu partition and this error came up... I've tried ...
Julien Claerhout's user avatar
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OpenJDK, 4K display and text quality

I'm using an 4K display here with 175% scaling and Windows 11. I have a Java application that writes text to a bitmap and displays this bitmap. The text quality is fine and very smooth with an Java 1....
Klaus Friese's user avatar
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How to set "Amazon Corretto Java" as default instead of Oracle Java

I have installed Oracle Java 17 and Amazon Corretto 17 in linux server. It is picking default as "Oracle Java" but i need Amazon corretto Java to be default. Please help me on this i tried ...
Vijay's user avatar
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Can i have 2 different jvm.config files say for java11 and java 17 in maven wrapper .mvn folder

Can i have 2 different jvm.config files say for java11 and java17 in maven wrapper .mvn folder. If possible, can you please point out to the documentation or sample? My requirement is to add different ...
Abhijit Kulkarni's user avatar
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Problem reading client certificate in JDK 17

I have been trying to read a client certificate in a simple WebFilter. The code was working till JDK 11. But, when I tried to upgrade server to JDK 17 it has stopped reading the client request. I am ...
Wasif Kirmani's user avatar
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Is there an alternative to --add-opens command line parameters for just ported applications to a newer Java?

Is there an alternative to --add-opens command line parameters for just ported applications to a newer Java? To make our venerable monolithic application make to run on Java 11 and Java 17, I had to ...
Espinosa's user avatar
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How to make Cirrus CI use Java 17 to support Gradle 8

I wanted to upgrade my Android Studio project to use Gradle 8 and am using Cirrus CI for this project. However, when running the tests after having upgraded, Cirrus tells me that Java 17 is required ...
Luca Engel's user avatar
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What does LTS mean for a Java release?

Suppose that a lot of time after the release of an LTS version. If the support period has not yet expired, can this LTS version receive an update despite the fact that even a newer LTS version has ...
Gor Madatyan's user avatar
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Big performance degrade when upgrading an aws-lambda from java-11 to java-17

We recently updated our aws-lambda java runtime from java-11 to java-17 (the update was just switch of the runtime environment so it still runs code compiled with java-11). This had lead to one of our ...
Jens Møller's user avatar
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Junit 4 / Junit 5 JDK 11 JDK 17 versions and compatibility

Hi which version Junit4 supports JDK 11 ? And which Minimum Version supports JDK 17 ? Junit4 ? or just Junit5 ? where i can find list of version compatibility Java 11 and Java 17
ZURA Tikaradze's user avatar
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java.time.format.DateTimeParseException in java 17 but not in java 11

I am migrating a service from jdk 11 to jdk 17. But I kept getting errors in java 17: Exception in thread "main" java.time.format.DateTimeParseException: Text '09/18/2018 10:31:40 PM' could ...
Anurator's user avatar
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Compatibility between JDK 17 and Java 11 when it comes to running vs. compiling

I have a Spring Framework 4.2 project that I can successfully compile with JDK 11 and run with Wildfly that is utilizing Java 11. I'm looking at upgrading to use Wildfly v26 which utilizes Java 17. ...
Ryan Griffith's user avatar

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