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How to simulate a terminal for the command ‘kubectl exec -ti blablabla’ on the client side

I am developing a web application that simulates a pod (EKS) terminal on the client side. The only solution I can think of is using sockets, but I am facing some issues: The application has an API ...
Samuel Lima's user avatar
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Can we read k8 container logs using a sidecar container and without using kubectl?

Background: We are using third-party software (SASViya) that has multiple deployments, cronjob, stateful sets, and finally the pod templates which is responsible for creating new pods whenever a user ...
Tilak's user avatar
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Delete Kubernetes namespace with delay

I have the following issue. We need to implement a command which deletes a Kubernetes namespace but with some delay of 1 hour. I tried with this one but it's not working: kubectl delete ns $NAMESPACE -...
Marko Djunev's user avatar
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kubectl error "You must be logged in to the server (the server has asked for the client to provide credentials"

I am getting error when I run any kubectl command. $ kubectl version Client Version: v1.29.1 error: You must be logged in to the server (the server has asked for the client to provide credentials) I ...
User7723337's user avatar
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How to remove claim from a persistent volume when it was released?

After the PVC is deleted the associated PV still shows the claim. This might be expected behavior, but for my usecase it must turn to "Available" status again. When I remove the claim object ...
Daniel's user avatar
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error when creating "mongo.yaml": Deployment in version "v1" cannot be handled as a Deployment

I wrote a mongo.yaml file for a minikube cluster. Creating the deployment brought me an error that I can't decode for now. This is just a test deployment in preparation for a web app. I tried editing ...
cheebi's user avatar
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How to configure nginx-ingress access logs to see pod name

I have a general question regarding showing pod name into nginx-ingress access logs. In my current access log setup, I have see only upstream IP address. However sometimes it`s not so informative ...
Goopalo David's user avatar
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kubectl authentication without saved files

I need to call kubectl from within another program that has credentials in the Webhook Token Authentication format. Specifically, it's a Terraform configuration that uses the Terraform Kubernetes ...
Jordan's user avatar
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How can I add worker node [TLS handshake timeout]?

I have a ubuntu-based master machine where I have a microk8s cluster running. I wanted to add an rpi as a worker node. microk8s join worked and replied with Waiting for this node to finish joining the ...
petwri's user avatar
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How can I combine end select elements into -ocustom-columns?

How to use -ocustom-colums to achieve the same effect as in the PORT(s) column of the kubectl get service command (i.e. using / to concatenate the values ​​of the .spec.ports.port and .spec.ports....
Артём Гурлов's user avatar
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How can a Flink Job automatically resume from a Checkpoint on a Redeploy

I'm hosting flink jobs on an EKS cluster and using Kubectl to create/update/delete flink jobs with a flink_deployment.yaml file. We have checkpoints and HA stored in a remote AWS EFS storage which is ...
Alan Wong's user avatar
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Kubectl ingress does not let access to the internet due to timeout error

I am trying to use ingress to make a pretty basic flask application reachable via internet. First, I installed and enabled Ingress-Nginx kubectl apply -f
Ivan's user avatar
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I’m encountering the following error when trying to apply a Kubernetes manifest file using kubectl apply -f .github/workflows/manifests.yml:

Error from server (Forbidden): error when creating ".github/workflows/manifests.yml": namespaces is forbidden: User "arn:aws:iam::***:user/Opshub_EKS" cannot create resource "...
Saqlain Akhtar Khan's user avatar
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How to debug production containers using kubectl debug under root user?

I’m facing an issue related to our strict security policies, which are configured according to best practices. Below is the security context we are using: spec: securityContext: runAsUser: <...
SystemFailure's user avatar
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How can I configure my AKS cluster to only allow kubectl commands when connected to a specific Pritunl VPN

I want that when I am connected to my (Dev6) pritunl, I should be able to run kubectl commands on my AKS cluster and otherwise, I should not be able to. I tried adding the specific IP range of my Dev6 ...
Kanika Gola's user avatar

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