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WKWebview form filling with cross origin iframe

I’m working on an iOS app using WKWebView, and I have a specific use case involving cross-origin iframes and form autofill. I’m wondering if it’s possible to programmatically fill input elements, such ...
Vinoth Kumar's user avatar
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Seeing an increase API timeout errors on abandoned jQuery ajax calls in Safari after iOS 18 update

Reported Issue: An increase in page reloads and "A problem repeatedly occurred…" error pages for iPhone users on our mobile site. Data from Metrics: 95% of API Timeout errors on calls ...
Benjamin Sawyer's user avatar
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How to disable iOS autofil and share button on tapping readonly input field

iOS 17 shows Autofil (and Share) option on the top left of the screen on tapping readonly input. This fiddle can be used to reproduce the behavior. <input ...
Abdul Rauf's user avatar
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Safari Page Load Animation Issue on First Access

I'm experiencing a challenging issue with Safari concerning the page load animation. Specifically, when I first open the main page, the load animation doesn't initiate. However, if I navigate away to ...
Dibyendu Biswas's user avatar
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Unity 2022.3.19 Webgl iOS RAM refreshes

Environment: Unity 2022.3.19, WebGL, mobile Safari. The game consumes a significant amount of RAM on iOS. The main issue is that the game randomly reloads when switching scenes. I suspect this might ...
ildar's user avatar
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Is it possible to detect (with CSS or JavaScript) whether Safari has compact tabs enabled?

If you're not familiar, Safari on macOS and iPadOS supports compact tabs in Safari, which lets the top of the screen bleed up into the UI chrome, similar to how the top of a page bleeds into the ...
Justin Searls's user avatar
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How to keep Safari Web Inspector open when Capacitor app crashes or is force quit?

I have a Capacitor app (like a PWA but built for iOS) and I'm using Safari Web Inspector to debug the TestFlight build on iOS. My problem is that when the app crashes or is force quit, then Safari Web ...
Patrick Kenny's user avatar
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Web browser push notification - allowed to make web API call from service worker?

We have a web application that is installed as a home page app on iPads. We then use browser push notifications to trigger alerts on the iPads when critical events occur. This is working well. We now ...
Matthew van Boheemen's user avatar
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Safari : is the behaviour of overflow hidden and drop-shadow as it should be?

You have to have access to a Safari, from iOS (using a tap to see the hover effect) or macOS. I have the latests versions of iOS and macOS. I have a div with an img, and some text. I want to make a ...
beauchette's user avatar
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Blur filter css styling not working on Safari + ios mobile

I spent a lot of time searching for a solution to the blur filter styling issue not working on Safari and iOS devices. I need to add a blur effect to a background color. It works well on all devices ...
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FileReader returns garbage after a certain number of files in mobile safari

Been really stumped by this problem. I've searched the web and haven't found traces of info on it, but I believe it is a widespread issue. See the HTML in this post. If I select more than 350 (the ...
btxios's user avatar
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iPhone 15 safari browser switch event trigger

It is possible to trigger an event eg browser or profile switch or incognito mode by using the volume up and power buttons in iOS ? Something is happening when she does this but I can’t pin it ? I ...
Khan Baird's user avatar
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How to get autofill for Safari family-name and other fields?

For example I have following HTML code: <input type="text" id="ec-4637-c0d43944ac79" name="ec-4637-c0d43944ac79" class="input" data-validatable="true&...
Sandeep's user avatar
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Safari IOS struggling to render multiple svg objects

I using an openseadragon and annotorious-openseadragon libraries to work with annotations on my website. Everything is working fine everywhere except Ipad air 4+ safari web-browser. This is what ...
Евгений Шалаев's user avatar
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Safari scroll jump after unloading element innerHTML

This issue is isolated to Safari on macOS and iOS. All other browsers don't have this problem. I have an Intersection Observer that handles loading/unloading chapters in a vertical scrolling book. ...
alyx's user avatar
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