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Share SSO between Native iOS app and in-app browser [closed]

I have an iOS app that uses MSAL library for authentication via Microsoft Entra. When the app is opened for the very first time, the user is expected to complete an "interactive login" by ...
Slava Kamzen's user avatar
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Hide False MSAL MSAL.NetCore .NET 8.0.8 logging messages

In a .NET 8 API project, I'm logging via Serilog to a Application Insights. With every request, I see a lot of False MSAL MSAL.NetCore .NET 8.0.8 messages which I want to hide in traces. In ...
NiAu's user avatar
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iOS simulator giving error on opening "" in iOS app

I have integrated MSAL into my iOS application and trying to open "" to authenticate the user. However its giving me following error I also tried to open the same &...
Nikhil's user avatar
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Failed polling endpoint: imaps: A3 BAD User is authenticated but not connected

For my Springboot+Apache Camel+Camel-Mail app I keep getting the below error. I already double confirmed the OAuth2 creds for my mailbox and all is Ok there. Only the IMAP fails but the mails are ...
raikumardipak's user avatar
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After clicking on login button it is Redirecting to another page and coming back to signin page within seconds

Authconfig.js export const msalConfig = {auth: {clientId: "client-id",authority: "\`\`\`\`",redirectUri: "\`\`http://localhost:5173/...
Airin Anil's user avatar
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After clicking in sso button ,i wanted to redirect to /home page after successfully authenticating the user

I have created a web application in azure and tried to configure sso using MSAL react library. But while clicking on the sso button it is not redirecting to /home page and also the token generation is ...
Airin Anil's user avatar
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Acquire token silent using MSAL v1 not working in my ANGULAR JS application

I am working on ANGULAR JS application with MSAL v1, how can i achieve to get token using acquire token silent ,in my enterprise system third party cookies are blocked in chrome i tried using MSAL v2 ...
Bhumika G C's user avatar
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Azure AD B2C MSAL Browser Issue with Custom UI and API Validation Response

I'm working with Azure AD B2C and using the MSAL.js library (PublicClientApplication) to handle authentication in a web application. I'm customizing the UI after a user enters a verification code, ...
Davit B's user avatar
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loginpopup window is closing automatically after user authentication for the react web application configured using MSAL and azure

I have created a web application in azure and tried to configure sso using MSAL react library. But while clicking on the sso button it is redirecting and within seconds it is coming back to the login ...
Airin Anil's user avatar
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Microsoft.Identity.Client.Desktop Version=, fails to work with Microsoft.Web.WebView2.Core v 1.0.2739.15

While running this line of code I get an exception in my project. The error appears to be related to a version issue of WebView2.Core and Microsoft.Identity.Client.Desktop but I seem to have a high ...
JukeSpeets's user avatar
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AcquireTokenInteractive does not show the login window in MSAL .NET

Currently our project uses a VSTO addin projects for Office Applications. On addin load, we are trying to make the authentication. The authentication code is in a class library project (on .NET 4.7.2)....
Dharun's user avatar
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Debuggin MSAL-node

Following this tutorial. Local implementation of MSAL-node in Express JS works fine but after deploying to ...
Anonymous's user avatar
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Bypass the Azure logout account selection screen when logging out from the applicaition @azure/msal-angular V3.0.23

Issue: Invoking "msalService.logoutRedirect()" and passing the account value still does not bypass the azure logout screen (Which account do you want to sign out of?) Version used in Angular ...
Nithyanandan Sathiyanathan's user avatar
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'AADB2C90057: The provided application is not configured to allow the 'OAuth' Implicit flow

I've followed the steps described to configure authentication in a sample web app by using Azure AD B2C (
Alexandre Guimond's user avatar
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"Uncaught ReferenceError: msal is not defined"

index.html <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" /> <script type=&...
54935's user avatar
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