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Can I integrate Vue-Email in Nest.js to use with Novu Workflows?

I need to create Novu workflows and integrate Vue Email templates within these workflows. My backend is built with Nest.js, and Novu is already integrated. I'm unsure how a Frontend library can be ...
Shehwar's user avatar
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Novu sending push notifications using Firebase

I am working on a project using Novu to send notifications to my clients. When I try to send push notifications using firebase, I get these errors even though the message is sent. "Sending ...
TITUS BUNDI's user avatar
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Novu push notifications for Flutter

Does somebody know is it possible to use "Novu" notification Simple components and APIs for managing all communication channels in one place: Email, SMS, Direct, and Push with Flutter? I'd ...
Valera's user avatar
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Fetching notifications on socket event

How can I set up a Mantine popup notification to be displayed when a new notification is received from Novu? Here is what I'm trying to do (code below): const { socket: novuSocket } = useSocket(); ...
The Code Crusader's user avatar
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Sending and Displaying an Array of Objects as Payload in Novu Platform

Is it possible to send an array of objects as the payload when triggering an event through code in the novu platform? If so, how can we properly format and display the elements of this array in a ...
The Code Crusader's user avatar