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Angular/PrimeNG/PrimeFlex - Left and Right Panel Heights Hidden Beyond Card Body

I am working on an Angular project using PrimeNG components, and I'm facing an issue where the left and right panels of a p-card are extending beyond the height of the card body and getting hidden. I'...
Kashif Khan's user avatar
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How can we merge both PrimeNg Css and Bootstrap css to individual modules with out conflicts in Angular

I developed an Angular project three months ago, structured with both applications and a library using Bootstrap. Now, I need to migrate the entire project to PrimeNG components. I have rewritten the ...
Venu chellaboina's user avatar
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Limit vertical growth of flex containers and display scrollbar instead [duplicate]

So i have this layout: <div class="flex flex-column border-1"> <div class="flex justify-...
Sebastian's user avatar
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Gridstack.js with Ngx Spinner, Spinner fullscreen in Component

I'm building a DashBoard with GridStackJs and NgxSpinner to show a screen in each component every time I run a service, but the size of the grid-stack-item-content is too big, because it doesn't ...
damanchola's user avatar
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How to achieve full viewport height without scrollbars using PrimeNG, PrimeFlex, and h-screen?

I'm building an interface using Angular along with PrimeNG and PrimeFlex. I want a container to fill the entire height of the screen without any scroll bars appearing. I've tried using both h-screen ...
Kashif Khan's user avatar
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responsive h-full by size prime flex

I'm currently using PrimeNg and PrimeFlex in an Angular project, but I'm having trouble using the h-full property because I want it to be used when a card is more than n pixels and when I don't ...
damanchola's user avatar
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Primeflex, "lock in" width length after adjusting using "rem"

I have table headers, one of them looks something like: <th rowspan="4" class="w-6rem">Header Title</th> The table looks fine on full screen but when adjusted it stays ...
Progranoob's user avatar
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Prevent global css from affecting external libraries

Problem: I have an Angular application with standalone components. In my styles.scss I have imported the PrimeFlex css library. I am now trying to add Nuvo - a data import tool, and it appears that ...
S. Tony's user avatar
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CSS place one section of a column to the bottom and keep the first one to the top (Using PrimeFlex)

I have three rows in my column, most columns also have three textfields except for one that has two. I need to have the second textfield be positioned in the bottom. (having a gap where the 2nd ...
Progranoob's user avatar
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Primeflex equal height of column

I'm trying to use the primeflex, how do I make the column have the equal height like when the column is taller than the others, the others will adjust to the height of the tallest to make it equal. ...
Newbeees's user avatar
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Build Error: Module build failed (from ./node_modules/sass-loader/dist/cjs.js): Undefined mixin

I'm trying to create a style class similar to the example at Primeflex This is a simple angular application on v16.9.1 with primeflex installed. I'm looking to reuse some settings for input fields. ...
Sean Murphy's user avatar
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CSS width "px" adjusts my input textfield but not "%"

I have an input textfield that I would like to fill the entire grid column (using primeflex). I thought that simply adding "width: 100%" (w-full) would fix the empty space. It does not seem ...
Progranoob's user avatar
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I can't make them responsive p-tabPane

I'm trying to make this code snippet responsive, but it's not working, the p-tabPanel overflows my screen. Check the official documentation and try to replicate it, but it still doesn't work. I am ...
Felipe Levinir's user avatar
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Override default primeNG icons without creating custom components

I have the following code below. What I want to do is to change the icons that appear, while retaining the same API (the icon: 'pi pi-check-circle', argument). In other words, I want zero edits to the ...
Beast's user avatar
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Issue with primeflex styles in conjunction with tailwind responsive

I'm facing an issue with primeFlex styles when used in conjunction with Tailwind. Due to the importance given to Tailwind styles, the responsive styles are not functioning as expected. The problem is ...
Denis Abashin's user avatar

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