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Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 9.0 Qt

I recently updated to version qt 6.7.2 and decided to build a project for Android. I built this project before for qt 6.7.0, but now I get a build error "Deprecated Gradle features were used in ...
xzxolop's user avatar
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A QTableView shows selected lines in blue, but using QItemSelectionModel::select they become grey

I'm working on a C++ program that uses Qt 6.6.1 to show a table. It is possible to click on rows to select them, in which case they are highlighted in blue (maybe the colour is OS-specific; I'm using ...
Fabio says Reinstate Monica's user avatar
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Building a Qt project with subprojects for Android

I have a Qt project in Qt Creator, which consists of 3 subprojects, and when I try to build it on Android Samsung A51 with the kit armeabi_v7a, I get an error: No rule to make target 'C:\\..\\project-...
xzxolop's user avatar
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Link errors when using same class in both a QML module and a library

For my project I want to have a library and a QML module both using the same class and then using both the lib and the module in the same application. The class I use in this example is CUIScene3D ...
Thomas's user avatar
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Visual Studio 2022 generate empty moc files with define

My QtExample.h with Q_OBJECT has an #ifdef _FEATURE. The #ifdef wraps the class. In Project -> C++ -> Preprocessor -> Preprocessor Definitions, this _FEATURE is specified. When moc.exe runs ...
Mikhail Trash's user avatar
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Taking a complete screenshot in Qt. How?

I am trying to take a screenshot in Qt. I used the sample screenshot program that is included. (It is here:, code is here: https://code....
Simon R's user avatar
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Qt app deployment with Qt5 on an M1 Macbook

I have an app that is written using Qt 5.6.3 under Linux that compiles and runs under Linux and Windows as stand alone apps. I can compile it and run it on an M1 Mac, it compiles using x86 gcc which ...
DiBosco's user avatar
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windeployqt creates an exe that doesn't work

I made a simple app that I can build on Ubuntu and Mac with "make", but on Windows I have these errors when I try to build the app with QT Creator. I did this: Open Qt Creator. Create a New ...
pachadotdev's user avatar
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Calling QDialog.reject() has no effect - why? How do I close my dialog when certain conditions are met?

Calling QDialog.reject() has no effect. What am I missing? from PySide6.QtWidgets import QApplication, QMainWindow, QPushButton, QDialog, QVBoxLayout class MyDialog(QDialog): def __init__(self): ...
Troels Blum's user avatar
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Is there a way to use Material Design icons in a Qt Quick (QML) file?

I'm working on a Qt project based on Qt 6.7.2 and using QML for the frontend and Python for the backend. I'm wondering if there is a way to use material design icons directly in a QML file, and if it'...
kixrogu's user avatar
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How to create a table in which the user can select, delete or add elements, can i create the same in qt? [closed]

I need to create a table in which the user can select, delete or add elements. There is an ideal version of what I want - an internet download manager user interface. where and how can you create the ...
landa's user avatar
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Added file from a location other than the curren project's adds a '<other locations>' section in the project view which cannot be removed

On Windows, using Qt Creator 14.0.1, I added a file (by right clicking > Add exisiting file, in the project view), and it opened up a <Other Locations> file. I cannot seem to remove it. How ...
Andrew Bao-Viet Nguyen's user avatar
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How to keep QPixamp quality in QPainter::drawPixmap when QPainter::scale(x,y) is used?

I am using QWidget and its paintEvent. Im using QPainter::scale(zoom,zoom) to scale background images on the widget. Then I want to paint some foreground icons and keep their size the same all the ...
JoeliP's user avatar
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Running an application with Qt 6.7 on Android reduced functionalities for QList

I am creating an application that will search for Bluetooth devices and then connect to one sensor of mine and display the sensor data. I have my main widget, and the search of the devices happens in ...
Adrian's user avatar
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Operations concerning dropping file on PySide GUI [closed]

I would like to know if it's possible to get a file's path by dragging it and dropping it inside a window made with PySide6. If not, how would I got about reading its bytes (in case of images) or its ...
DorderaDomo's user avatar

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