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how to recover the history scroll position when using VariableSizeList

I am using a React window "react-window": "^1.8.10" to render some PDF pages, this is what the code looks like: const renderPdfList = () => { if (pdf && pageViewports) ...
Dolphin's user avatar
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403 Forbidden error, while rendering Pdf using react-pdf and Uploadthings to store pdf

enter image description here this is the core.ts import { db } from "@/db"; import { getKindeServerSession } from "@kinde-oss/kinde-auth-nextjs/server"; import { createUploadthing, ...
Aryan Gurung's user avatar
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how to avoid the fisrt http request load the whole pdf when using range request with pdf.js

I am trying to use the pdf.js range request to load a huge pdf, but now I found the range request works but the first request load the whole pdf. From the official document is told that the range ...
Dolphin's user avatar
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fix the pdf flash with many pages when using react-pdf

I am using react-pdf version 9.0.1 to show latex compiled pdf in react(version 18) project, and working with the flash issue when scale pdf followed by this issue
Dolphin's user avatar
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Jest tests crashes by react-pdf

What I have: node 14.21.3 react-pdf 7.3.3 When I run jest tests I have that problem (but not in all tests what's surprising): ● Test suite failed to run Jest encountered an unexpected token Jest ...
Oleg Smirnov's user avatar
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How to render specific pages (not entire PDF file) using react-pdf?

I am working on a React project for displaying pdf file as a flipbook using Nextjs and react-pageflip. 'use client' import { useResizeObserver } from '@wojtekmaj/react-hooks' import { ForwardedRef, ...
Melwin Ted Teddy's user avatar
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Rendering Large PDFs in Chunks Using React-PDF (PDF.js)

I'm trying to render a large PDF file from my S3 storage in chunks using React-PDF (PDF.js). I'm fetching the first 64KB of the PDF with a byte range request, but the PDF fails to load, showing the ...
Omar Ammura's user avatar
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I can't insert a pdf into next js

import React, { useState } from 'react'; import ReactDOM from "react-dom"; import HTMLFlipBook from "react-pageflip"; import { pdfjs, Document, Page as ReactPdfPage } from "...
franzyk's user avatar
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Expected a JavaScript module script but the server responded with a MIME type of "application/octet-stream". when upgrade react pdf to 9.x

Today when I upgrade the react-pdf version to 9.1.0, the pdf load failed and shows error: Failed to load module script: Expected a JavaScript module script but ...
Dolphin's user avatar
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How to Implement Safe Exam Browser (SEB) in a Next.js or React.js Application?

I'm working on a web application using Next.js and React.js, and I need to ensure that PDF files are opened within Safe Exam Browser (SEB) rather than standard browsers like Google Chrome. SEB ...
Younes Sellimi's user avatar
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Failed to load PDF File - react PDF

I am trying to view a pdf file the I am gonna get from an API, the API will return a pdf file, and then i am gonna process it as a blob so that the user can download it after viewing it, but I am ...
Lafi Odeh's user avatar
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Image is rendered in white rather than the actual image using react-pdf in node.js

I am having a problem with showing images in my pdf generator that I am using @react-pdf/renderer, I switching the process of creating the PDF from client-side to server-side to reduce the load on the ...
Lafi Odeh's user avatar
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Opening a PDF in a Blob Instead of a PDF Preview Component

I'm currently using BlobProvider to open a PDF document in a new tab as a blob. Here’s the code snippet I’m using: <BlobProvider document={<OrderDocument data={orderData} />}> {({ url, ......
abdo_me's user avatar
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PDF created with react-pdf opened in new tab gives "Check Internet Connection" error when click download

I m using react-pdf to create a PDF and open it in new tab via Link component. WindowTargetAttributes.BLANK = _blank const document = ( <Document> <Page size="A4" style={...
Barış Şahin's user avatar
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How to maintain code layout in PDF using jsPDF in React.js?

I am trying to generate a PDF that replicates the layout of my code using jsPDF in JavaScript. Previously, I attempted using html2canvas, but it converts the code layout into an image, resulting in ...
Codder's user avatar
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