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Pass device udid from test parameters to DesiredCapabilities in seperate classes

I have seperate class with called CommonAndroidDriver where capabilites and driver are. I want to be able to add device udid as parameter seperately for each test. public class CommonAndroidDriver { ...
Bart Soha's user avatar
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Selenium test build fails on Jenkins

I created Jenkins job and trying to launch a selenium test(java), but the build keeps failing with the following error. Both, Jenkins primary and agent machines are on AWS. Everything works perfectly ...
Sancho's user avatar
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Appium Parallel Device using Data Provider and @Parameter

Context: My code (Login test case) already passed and it run in parallel device The user credentials are from @DataProvider (the passed test one is using the same credential) What i want: Use the ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Unit-tests exhibiting 'state' across test-methods after moving from JUnit4 to TestNG

The legacy project I'm working on uses both JUnit4 and TestNG testing frameworks and for reasons beyond my control I cannot upgrade to JUnit5. While all new test-suites (classes) that we create are ...
y2k-shubham's user avatar
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Maven Dependencies in errors in Eclipse while upgrading testng 6.14.3 to testng 7.4.0 [closed]

My test cases were working fine with testng 6.14.3, but then I needed to upgrade testng to 7.4.0, while doing I am following Error:- Missing artifact com.github.virtuald:curvesapi:jar:1.04 Missing ...
Ruppal Vachaswa's user avatar
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Eclipse not showing run as TestNG

I have added testng dependencies in pom.xml and also added external testng jar, but still it is not showing run as testng. IN there is no dependencies to download. the external eclipse ...
Monojyoti Goswami's user avatar
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Rest Assured post method throws io.restassured.internal.http.ResponseParseException though response status code is 200

With Rest API automation through rest assured 5.4.0, getting ResponseParseException in when().post() method .when().post("/oauth/access_token"); enter code here when Code triggered ...
Kalpesh Patel's user avatar
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org.openqa.selenium.SessionNotCreatedException while starting Appium test

I try to run my very first test in Appium but then I get an error. My test is simple as it can be: import io.appium.java_client.AppiumBy; import; import org....
Kamil Wysocki's user avatar
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Maven Executable Jar, String using getResourceAsStream() output, Can I convert this string into a testng.xml file for TestNG?

I am creating a maven jar project that uses the testng plugin. The plugin reads off a testng.xml file that contains all the test classes to be ran by the test suite. Inside the jar, there is no path ...
TomZheng's user avatar
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Getting Exception / Error while running a Test using testNG

Getting below error if I try to run the test using testNG - [RemoteTestNG] failed to get TestNG version from class: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: invalid version "[WORKING]": non-...
Shreyas Lembhe's user avatar
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getting 'invalid version - invalid qualifier' error while trying to execute the TestNG file in eclipse

I'm encountering an error that says 'invalid version "": invalid qualifier "0.101"' when trying to launch the TestNG.xml file. I was previously using Java 17 to write ...
Prashant Kumar's user avatar
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Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: RemoteTestNG has been compiled by Java Runtime version 55.0,

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: org/testng/remote/RemoteTestNG has been compiled by a more recent version of the Java Runtime (class file version 55.0), ...
Renuka 's user avatar
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Karate + TestNG setup causes thread hanging issue [duplicate]

I am trying to implement Karate Labs framework within an already existing TestNG setup. But executing the test causes the thread to go WAITING stat indefinitely. Can someone identify the issue here ...
Shiva G's user avatar
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Error Looking for TestNG results report in workspace using pattern: **/testng-results.xml

In my project workspace, the test-results.xml file exists inside the test-output\testng-results.xml.But Jenkins fails to read the XML file and gives below error on console. In Jenkins i created the ...
Rohit Kumar's user avatar
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Getting error "Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/slf4j/LoggerFactory" while executing testng suite

I was trying to execute simple TestNG script with new setup of Eclipse with Selenium. Although with the same setup I am able to run other Java classes but when trying to run the TestNG suite I am ...
Nish04's user avatar
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