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Comparing Variable Name to User Input

I am currently coding an ASCII art based Battle Ships game and am in the process of adding a map to show the user where on the grid they have fired and where they have hit or missed a target. To do ...
Cameron Pendrous's user avatar
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Multiple eCharts graphs in one page and data mapping / [ECharts] `setOption` should not be called during main process

I'm trying to put multiple charts of eCharts in one page of only one type with series like (type: 'line') but datas should be formatted according to different parameters for each graph. For a single ...
user27160653's user avatar
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Can we include post index variables in a logistics regression

Can we include post index event in logistic regression if teh event is before the end point? I have to do a regression to understand which patients stay on medication. I have taken the index date as ...
Riya Arora's user avatar
-2 votes
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Why is PHP showing the variable $greeting literally instead of processing it in my view? [closed]

I'm working on a CodeIgniter 4 project and using a custom template library to manage my views. I’m encountering an issue where PHP seems to display the variable name $greeting literally instead of ...
Noir's user avatar
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Inserting JSONB of a variable into table with Psycopg2 (Python to Postgres)

My task is to get JSON-Data from pokeapi and put it in a table on a pg4e-server (postgres for everybody) with psycopg2. It works despite I am not able to put the JSON-data from python into the JSONB ...
user27341959's user avatar
-1 votes
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Python executing print statements inside false ifs [closed]

salt = "Salt and Vinegar" bland = "Saltenes" sweet = "Chocolate" spicy = "Takis" sour = "Sour Patch Kids" q1 = print(input("Do you want a bland ...
William Waldrop's user avatar
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How to split a column into two columns to separate two values in a cell when some cells don't contain two values to split using dplyr in R

Issue I want to split a column named 'Date' in my data frame into two columns called 'Date' and 'Survey_Number' The column 'Date' either contains one date '08/04/2012' or a date and survey number '24/...
Alice Hobbs's user avatar
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Recursion - Not Returning Values as Expected

I'm currently writing a program to return all additions to a number subtracted from itself (For example, if 3 were the number, the output should be 6 (3+2+1). Essentially, I'm trying to have the ...
Ratdude's user avatar
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CSS :root not set variable [closed]

I have the CSS file with :root where I set the colors for my classes. But I have problem with init one of variables. Check the code above. I have this CSS :root { --button-color: #eb2c33; --...
JasSum's user avatar
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How do we register same variable for multiple when conditions in ansible [closed]

Ansible parent playbook prints variable {{ regularfiles.stdout_lines }} and errors as below. fatal: []: FAILED! => {"msg": "The task includes an option with an undefined ...
Ashar's user avatar
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How to replace placeholder with hash(remote_addr) and serve file over http?

I need to serve the only static file on webserver, replacing the placeholder with $value with some conditions. $value is decimal or hexadecimal text string (ex, abba, e1ee7, 01023) $value is derived ...
filimonic's user avatar
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How to do something every time before initializing a variable also if not declared in a Class object

I'm trying to undestand how to do something every time a PHP variable also if not declared it's initialized in a Class. So after reading something on stackoverflow I stumbled upon the magic method ...
PHPKiatofiaFlowOverUs's user avatar
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How to copy variable from one collection to another collection in Bruno

Is there any way to copy the variable from one collection to another collection in Bruno. Lets say i have one request for token and i want to use that token in another collection. #bruno #variable
Devendra Dangi's user avatar
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How to update declared 'global variable' inside nested WHILE and FOR loops

In a Snowflake stored procedure, I declared a 'global variable' inside the DECLARE block then tried to update the value of the 'global variable' in nested WHILE and FOR loops inside the BEGIN block ...
Kai's user avatar
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How can I have a variable sample time for logging data in simulink?

I have a model in simulink which controls a real time application. I have a predefined testplan, which is basically a table, which is processed line by line with a stateflow chart. In some of the ...
Fabi's user avatar
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