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Questions tagged [editing]

Editing is a core, fundamental Stack Exchange value; we allow editing by registered and unregistered users (if peer reviewed).

9 votes
2 answers

Is it allowed to mass edit answers for grammar mistakes?

I have been pretty much going on an editing spree for answers with poor grammar. I want to make sure that it is allowed, since it is telling me I have too many pending edits and now I'm worried... In ...
Number Basher's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Should I edit an answer to add a MWE and the corresponding output?

Recently I edited my first post here (about tfrac and sfrac commands) by adding a MWE and an output picture. I did it because I like to see these two elements in an answer. In this particular case, it ...
zetyty's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Is there a possibility to edit your own answers some time later, without the question being pushed somewhere to the top of the "Active Questions"?

Is there a possibility to edit your own answers some time later, without the question being pushed somewhere to the top of the "Active Questions" and without the question attracting ...
Ulrich Diez's user avatar
  • 30.1k
3 votes
1 answer

Where are the instructions?

There used to be instructions on how to format questions, which included such things as it displaying the compiled mwe. Are the instructions still available, and if so, how??
Frode Alfson Bjørdal's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Does adding an explanation in an edit make it "deviate from the intent"?

I suggested an edit to a question after it was suggested in another comment when I added some explanatory discussion. However, the edit got rejected on the grounds of changing the intent, although I ...
ljrk's user avatar
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15 votes
1 answer

Good practice for edit summary?

It happens that I edit my own answers. This is because I often write spontaneously and hereby tend to write long sentences. Later I realize how incomprehensible my wordings are. English is not my ...
Ulrich Diez's user avatar
  • 30.1k
2 votes
2 answers

More specific reasons for rejecting edits

I am quite new to TEX.SE, and I'm doing my best to reply to the posts I can and help out. Recently I noticed some edits being rejected, some of which I may understand, but then there's others which I ...
Superuser27's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Edit the comment(s) of an OP

I ask to the more experts of TeX.SE if there is the possibility of editing the comments of users, without having to write or observe some errors of typography or code with another comment that could ...
Sebastiano's user avatar
  • 56.8k
0 votes
0 answers

Should I make minor edit in the code in the question to make it compilable? [duplicate]

Consider this question: Parallel arrows along a curve with tikz. The OP's code is clearly not compilable. The preamble of the code is not shown. However, we can add a single line \documentclass[...
user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

Is it ok to change an OP's question to fit an answer?

An interesting issue has arisen with the question How to use Georgia as a font in LaTeX? In the OP's original question, (s)he demonstrates with a code snippet how (s)he is able to use the Georgia font ...
Sverre's user avatar
  • 20.9k
62 votes
2 answers

Community effort in fixing the double backslashes issue

First things first, the background for this meta thread is the following issue reported by Enrico Gregorio (egreg) at the beginning of the year (January 11, 2017): Double backslashes disappear from ...
Paulo Cereda's user avatar
  • 44.5k
3 votes
2 answers

A clock into StackExchange to access time counting

Dear users I sent the following request to the Stack Overflow team who suggested I submit it to the website contact I sent on 12/30/16 but still have not had any ...
Sebastiano's user avatar
  • 56.8k
1 vote
1 answer

Is it possible to have remarks removed/replaced automatically after a period of time?

When writing answers to questions, I sometimes would like to add remarks that get removed or replaced by other remarks automatically after a day or two. For example with one answer I wished to point ...
Ulrich Diez's user avatar
  • 30.1k
21 votes
1 answer

edit criteria regarding "national linguistic" practices

the question Glossaries with more hierarchical categories has a pending edit that only removes spaces before colons and an exclamation mark. i hesitate to reject it, since it appears to have been ...
barbara beeton's user avatar
20 votes
1 answer

What is a trivial edit

When you try to edit a question, there is a request to not make trivial edits. I wonder what counts as trivial? Adding better tags? Expanding an abbreviation in the question title? Enabling syntax ...
Mark's user avatar
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