In block scheme I like to add a node with call out shape, which contain details of electronic circuit. This electronic circuit is easy to draw with circutikz package. Here is my attempt to achieve this goal:
color = teal!40!black}
\coordinate (a) at (0,0);
\coordinate (b) at (4,0);
\draw (1,-0.1) -- (1,0.1);
\draw (2,-0.1) -- (2,0.1);
\draw (3,-0.1) -- (3,0.1);
\draw[ultra thick,*-*] (a) -- (b);
\node[shape=rectangle callout,
draw, rounded corners,
callout pointer width=3.3 mm,
callout pointer shorten=-2mm,
callout absolute pointer={(b)},
scale=0.5] at ([xshift=19mm,yshift=3mm] b)
{termination circuit\\
\begin{circuitikz}[sharp corners]
\draw[ultra thick, blue] plot[smooth,domain=-0.25*pi:-0.75*pi, samples=36] (0.25*pi+\x,{-1*sin(2*\x r)});
\draw[ultra thick, red] plot[smooth,domain=-0.25*pi:-0.75*pi, samples=36] (0.25*pi+\x,{+1*sin(2*\x r)});
\draw[ultra thick, red] plot[smooth,domain=-0.75*pi:-1.25*pi, samples=36] (0.25*pi+\x,{+1*sin(2*\x r)});
\draw[ultra thick, blue] plot[smooth,domain=-0.75*pi:-1.25*pi, samples=36] (0.25*pi+\x,{-1*sin(2*\x r)});
\draw (0,3) node[right] {\SI{+5}{V}}
to [R=$R_s$,o-] (0,+1) node[right] {A}
to [R=$R_k$,*-*] (0,-1) node[right] {B}
to [R=$R_s$, -o] (0,-3)
node[right] {\SI{0}{V}};
\node[shape=rectangle callout,
draw, rounded corners,
callout pointer width=3.3 mm,
callout pointer shorten=-2mm,
callout absolute pointer={(a)},
scale=0.5] at ([xshift=-19mm,yshift=3mm] a)
{termination circuit\\
\begin{circuitikz}[sharp corners]
\draw[ultra thick, blue] plot[smooth,domain=-0.25*pi:-0.75*pi, samples=36] (0.25*pi+\x,{-1*sin(2*\x r)});
\draw[ultra thick, red] plot[smooth,domain=-0.25*pi:-0.75*pi, samples=36] (0.25*pi+\x,{+1*sin(2*\x r)});
\draw[ultra thick, red] plot[smooth,domain=-0.75*pi:-1.25*pi, samples=36] (0.25*pi+\x,{+1*sin(2*\x r)});
\draw[ultra thick, blue] plot[smooth,domain=-0.75*pi:-1.25*pi, samples=36] (0.25*pi+\x,{-1*sin(2*\x r)});
\draw (0,3) node[right] {\SI{+5}{V}}
to [R=$R_s$,o-] (0,+1) node[right] {A}
to [R=$R_k$,*-*] (0,-1) node[right] {B}
to [R=$R_s$, -o] (0,-3)
node[right] {\SI{0}{V}};
- why both nodes are not the same (as I expected);
why I receive error "unknown function 'south (in south east)' if I use for positioning of node possibilities offered by
library?\node[shape=rectangle callout, draw, rounded corners, callout pointer width=3.3 mm, callout pointer shorten=-2mm, font=\sffamily\footnotesize, align=center, callout absolute pointer={(a)}, scale=0.5, above left=-19mm and 3mm of a] {content of node};
Edit: I correct a bit my preamble where by mistake I had \usepackage{circuitikz} twice. The second one should be siunitx
wit added setup. I like to have labels of resistors in sans sheriff font, but this hasn't happen. I do not knoe why not, but this is not a issue of this questionseparate question.