want to plot the schematic diagram of the following diagram using tikz latex, but it is not correct.
\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=4cm,auto,>=latex',every node/.append style={align=center},int/.style={draw, minimum size=1cm}]
\node [int] (P) {Phytoplankton (P)};
\node [int, below=of P] (Z) {Zooplankton(Z)};
\node [int, right=of P] (M) {Macrophytes(M)};
\node [int, below=of M] (F) {Fish(F)};
\node [int, right=of F] (W) {Water hyacinth(W)};
\coordinate[right=of M] (out);
\coordinate[right=of Z] (out);
\coordinate[right=of F] (out);
\coordinate[right=of W] (out);
\path[<->, auto=false] (P) edge node {Nutrient/sun light\\competition} (M)
(M) edge node {competition\\Refuge \\[2em] } (out) edge [out=180, in=90] node[below] {competition and\\ Refuge} (W);
\documentclass[tikz,margin=5pt]{standalone} \usetikzlibrary{positioning} \begin{document}
). By the way, can you explain more what are your difficulties? It seems to me that you had a good start! (p.s. I had to remove the'