to enhance the looks of my front page I would like to add wavy forms. I tried using Tikz but I could not make it work.

I am looking to make a design that looks like this: enter image description here

The code I use to make my front page is as following:




{\large \@author}}              
Author 1 name \\
Department name \\
\texttt{[email protected]}\vspace{20pt} \\
Author 2 name \\
Department name \\
\texttt{[email protected]}

\titlefont \center PROFIBUS \\of\\ PROFINET?\par
\Large{Argumenten voor de implementatie van communicatie protocollen}%


Can anyone help me realize the image I have in my head?

Thanks in advance

  • 1
    I don't want to sound mean, but do you really think this enhances the looks of your titlepage?
    – Skillmon
    Commented Sep 11, 2017 at 14:25
  • Welcome to TeX.SX!
    – Bobyandbob
    Commented Sep 11, 2017 at 14:26
  • To center some stuff, you should not use \center but \centering or put it inside a center-environment (\begin{center} ... \end{center}).
    – Skillmon
    Commented Sep 11, 2017 at 14:46

3 Answers 3


Another solution with tikzmark and hobby libraries. Don't watch the result but the idea ;-)




{\large \@author}}              
Author 1 name \\
Department name \\
\texttt{[email protected]}\vspace{20pt} \\
Author 2 name \\
Department name \\
\texttt{[email protected]}

\titlefont \center \tikzmark{a}PROFIBUS \\of\\ PROFINET?\tikzmark{b}\par
\Large{Argumenten voor de implementatie van communicatie protocollen}%

\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]
\begin{scope}[shift=(pic cs:a)]
\draw[line width=3mm, blue!70!black] (0,0) to[curve through={(-.5,.25) (-1,.55) (-.75,.75) (-.5,1.5)}] (-2,2);

\begin{scope}[shift=(pic cs:b)]
\draw[line width=3mm, green!70!black] (0,0) to[curve through={(1,.5) (1.5,1.5) (2.5,2.5) (2,3)}] (3.5,3.8);

enter image description here


You can use \tikzmark to put marks next to the appropiate words in the title, use (current page) node to refer to the appropriate corners of the page, and relative control points to distort the line joining those points. For the green path an intermediate coordinate is required, to create the "double wave" in the path.

All togheter:


\newcommand{\tikzmark}[1]{\tikz[overlay,remember picture] \node (#1) {};}


{\large \@author}}              
Author 1 name \\
Department name \\
\texttt{[email protected]}\vspace{20pt} \\
Author 2 name \\
Department name \\
\texttt{[email protected]}

\titlefont \center \tikzmark{B}PROFIBUS \\of\\ PROFINET?\tikzmark{N}\par
\Large{Argumenten voor de implementatie van communicatie protocollen}%

\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay, remember picture]
\draw[violet!70, line width=2ex] (current page.north west) .. controls +(10,-3) and  +(-10,1) .. ($(B)+(0,0.5)$);
\coordinate (aux) at ($(N)!.5!(current page.north east)$);
\draw[green!70!white!80!black, line width=2ex] ($(N)+(0.2,0.5)$) .. controls +(7,2) and +(-5,-1) .. (aux)
    .. controls +(5,1) and +(-8, -3) .. (current page.north east);

The result:



You could play with controls:




{\large \@author}}              
Author 1 name \\
Department name \\
\texttt{[email protected]}\vspace{20pt} \\
Author 2 name \\
Department name \\
\texttt{[email protected]}

  \begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture]
    \draw[line width=5pt,color=green!75!black] (-1,1) .. controls (0,2) and
    (0.5,-2) .. (1,-2) .. controls (1.6,-2) and (1.5,-1)
    .. (2,-1);
\titlefont \center PROFIBUS \\of\\ PROFINET?\par
\Large{Argumenten voor de implementatie van communicatie protocollen}%


enter image description here

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